Abstract: Pouring asphalt concrete core-wall dam has found wide application in Xinjiang due to its variety of advantages such as capability for construction under cold condition and good compatibility to deformation. As an earthquake-frequent area, Xinjiang faces an urgen issue for examining the anti-seismic performance of pouring asphalt concrete core-wall dam. The present work performed a dynamic triaxial experiment upon the anti-seepage material of a Xinjiang typical pouring asphalt concrete core-wall dam, in order to study the dynamic characteristics of pouring asphalt concrete under different principal stress ratios, confining pressures and vibration frequencies. The results showed that the variation law of all the dynamic stress-strain backbone curves of pouring asphalt concrete were basically identical and followed the hyperbolic variation trend while varying principal stress ratio, confining pressure and vibration frequency. The influence of confining pressure and principal stress ratio was very obvious to the dynamic stress-strain backbone curve, and the effect of vibration frequency was very small. The dynamic elastic modulus of pouring asphalt concrete also has basically similar variation trends in response to the above-mentioned multiple factors. We observed that the formula-calculated values of maximum dynamic elastic modulus were less than the test-fitting values under different confining pressures and principal stress ratios, and the maximum relative errors respectively reached 16.6% and 18.2%. Hence a modified dynamic elastic modulus expression was proposed, by which the dynamic elastic modulus was calculated and the resulted values coincided well (maximum relative errors respectively reduced to 3.0% and 2.0%) with the test-fitting values.
王建祥,唐新军,何建新,张凌凯. 考虑多因素的浇筑式沥青混凝土动力特性研究[J]. 《材料导报》期刊社, 2018, 32(12): 2085-2090.
WANG Jianxiang, TANG Xinjun, HE Jianxin, ZHANG Lingkai. A Multi-factor Study on Dynamic Characteristics of Pouring Asphalt Concrete. Materials Reports, 2018, 32(12): 2085-2090.
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