Advances in Adsorption of Heavy Metals Ions by Biochar and Its Composites
WANG Yao1, MEI Xiangyang2, DUAN Zhengyang1, HE Changhua1, XU Xiaojun1, XIE Daolei1, XU Longqian1, HUANG Qihua1
1 Faculty of Environmental Science and Technology, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming 650500; 2 Environmental Engineering Assessment Center in Yunnan Province, Kunming 650100
Abstract: Biochar, a kind of solid matter, is generally obtained by the pyrolysis of waste biomass in the absence of oxygen. Biochar has been widely used in heavy metals treatment due to its variety of excellent properties, such as abundant functional groups and strong addsorption capacity. In recent years, many researchers attempt to prepare high-performance biochar composites in combination with other materials by physical and chemical process. In this paper, the synthetic strategies, material characteristics, adsorption capacity and effect factors of biochar and its composites are summarized and analyzed. In addition, the mechanism of heavy me-tals adsorption by biochar and its composites is elaborated. At last, the development prospects of biochar and its composites in the treatment of heavy metals is also prospected.
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