Influencing Factors and Fatigue Mechanism of Ultra High Cycle Fatigue: an Overview
ZHOU Lei1,2, SONG Yanan2, WANG Haidou2, LI Guolu1, ZHANG Jianjun1
1 School of Materials Science and Engineering, Hebei University of Technology, Tianjin 300130; 2 National Key Lab for Remanufacturing, Academy of Armored Forces Engineering, Beijing 100072
Abstract: The research of ultra high cycle fatigue can be helpful for some special parts, which are required for extremely high cycle number. The research progress of ultra high cycle fatigue in last decade is reviewed. The typical characteristics of the ultra high cycle fatigue are introduced, such as the characteristics of S-N curves, fish eye morphology on the section and the characteristics of the crack initiation and extension. The influencing factors on ultra high cycle fatigue, such as the effect of hydrogen, loading frequency, loading mode and grain size are analyzed. Future research directions of ultra high cycle fatigue, including microscopic mechanism of very high cycle fatigue crack propagation, extending rate (especially the research on the micro and macro control parameter), the effect of fish-eye and the stress intensity factor range of the edge of ODA area on internal crack extended threshold are put forward.
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