Influence of Preparation Parameters on Structure and Performance of Silica Aerogel: A Review
GUO Sitong1, WU Huijun1,2, YANG Lixiu2, LIU Yanni1,2, YANG Jianming1
1 School of Civil Engineering, Guangzhou University, Guangzhou 510006; 2 Guangdong Key Laboratory of Building Efficiency and Application Techniques, Guangzhou University, Guangzhou 510006
Abstract: Silica aerogels are a new type of nanoporous materials with excellent properties. It has been the hot spot of research and development in thermal, optical, acoustic and electrical and other disciplines at home and abroad. The preparation of silica aerogels can be divided into three general steps: gel preparation, aging of the gel and post-processing. Its structure and properties are associated with the preparation parameters. In this paper, the influence of preparation parameters on structure and performance of silica aerogel are reviewed. For the gel preparation, the silicon source type, sol proportion, pH value, reaction temperature and hydrolysis time are summarized. For aging of the gel, aging temperature and time are summarized. For post-processing, drying solvent species, modifier types and concentrations, modified temperature and time are summarized. Through exploring the preparation parameters which affect structure and performance of silica aerogels, and constantly optimizing the preparation technology, it will have great guiding significance for promoting scale production and applications of silica aerogels.
郭思彤,吴会军,杨丽修,刘燕妮,杨建明. 制备参数对SiO2气凝胶结构与性能影响的研究进展*[J]. 《材料导报》期刊社, 2017, 31(7): 38-44.
GUO Sitong, WU Huijun, YANG Lixiu, LIU Yanni, YANG Jianming. Influence of Preparation Parameters on Structure and Performance of Silica Aerogel: A Review. Materials Reports, 2017, 31(7): 38-44.
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