Abstract: The transportation of chloride ions within cement-based materials is a complicated process. In this paper, the mecha-nism for transportation of chloride ions and the testing methods for Portland cement system are introduced firstly. On that basis, the factors influencing the chloride transportation of alkali-activated materials and the testing methods for chloride transportation properties of alkali-activated materials are reviewed. The type of activators, slag content, alkali dosage and modulus of water-glass is closely related to the chloride penetration resistance of alkali-activated materials. The high alkalinity and complex chemical composition of pore solution of alkali-activated materials hinders the application of rapid chloride penetration test, whose measurements are affected by composition and concentration in pore solution of testing samples. The natural diffusion test is a time-consumption method, which is not commonly used in practical. Unsteady electromigration test is widely applied to rapid determination of the chloride penetration resistance of Portland cement system. However, due to the different alkalinity of materials, the chloride concentration at color change boundary of Portland cement system varies from that of alkali-activated materials. Therefore, the preparation of test samples and the chloride concentration at color change boundary with silver nitrate colorimetric method in alkali-activated materials still need further study.
史才军, 张留洋, 张健, 李宁, 欧志华. 碱激发材料氯离子传输性能测试方法及影响因素研究进展*[J]. 《材料导报》期刊社, 2017, 31(15): 95-100.
SHI Caijun, ZHANG Liuyang, ZHANG Jian, LI Ning, OU Zhihua. Advances in Testing Methods and Influencing Factors of Chloride Ion Transport Properties of Alkali-activated Materials. Materials Reports, 2017, 31(15): 95-100.
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