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材料导报  2024, Vol. 38 Issue (10): 23010030-5
  高分子与聚合物基复合材料 |
张伟钢*, 李娇, 吕丹丹
滁州学院材料与化学工程学院,安徽 滁州 239000
Effect of Coating Additives on the Properties of PDMS Modified Epoxy Resin/Al Composite Coatings
ZHANG Weigang*, LI Jiao, LYU Dandan
College of Materials and Chemical Engineering, Chuzhou University, Chuzhou 239000, Anhui, China
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摘要 为进一步降低超疏水低红外发射率复合涂层的发射率并提高涂层的附着力,采用分散剂和硅烷偶联剂KH560来改善聚二甲基硅氧烷(PDMS)改性环氧树脂/Al复合涂层的填料分散状态及界面结构。系统研究了分散剂添加量(质量分数)及KH560添加量(质量分数)对涂层微结构、光学性能、疏水性能及附着力的影响规律。结果表明:聚羧酸盐阴离子型分散剂可通过静电斥力和降低填料颗粒的表面能来改善涂层中片状Al粉和纳米SiO2的分散状态,从而在一定程度上降低涂层的红外发射率,同时可使涂层具备较低的光泽度和良好的超疏水性能。KH560可利用其分子结构两端的甲氧基和环氧基在涂层中发挥桥连作用。通过KH560的桥连作用,涂层中的树脂基体和填料间可形成良好的化学键结合,从而使涂层表面结构更加致密,孔隙减少,进而可使涂层的发射率有所降低。同时,KH560改性可使涂层中的树脂基体与金属基板间形成化学键结合,从而可明显提高涂层的附着力。当涂层中分散剂和KH560的添加量分别为5%和3%时,涂层具有最佳的发射率(0.619)、光泽度(2.9)及附着力(1级)。同时,涂层具备良好的超疏水性能(水接触角为154°,滚动角为6°)。
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关键词:  复合涂层  低红外发射率  超疏水  分散剂  硅烷偶联剂    
Abstract: In order to further reduce the emissivity of the super-hydrophobic low infrared emissivity composite coating and improve the adhesion strength of the coating, dispersant and silane coupling agent KH560 were used to improve the dispersed state and interface structure of the polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) modified epoxy resin/Al composite coating. The effects of the addition amount of dispersant (mass fraction) and the addition amount of KH560 (mass fraction) on the microstructure, optical properties, hydrophobic properties and adhesion strength of the coating were systematically studied. The results show that the anionic dispersant of polycarboxylate can improve the dispersed state of flake Al powder and nano-SiO2 in the coating by electrostatic repulsion and reducing the surface energy of filler particles, so that the infrared emissivity of the coating can be reduced to a certain extent, and the coating can have a lower glossiness and good super-hydrophobic property. KH560 can play a bridging action in the coating by using the methoxide and epoxy groups at both ends of its molecular structure. Through the bridging effect of KH560, a good chemical bond can be formed between the resin matrix and the filler in the coating, so that the coating surface structure is more dense, the porosity is reduced, and the emissivity of the coating can be reduced. At the same time, the chemical bond between the resin matrix and the me-tal substrate can be formed by the modification of KH560, which can obviously improve the adhesion strength of the coating. The best emissivity (0.619), glossiness (2.9) and adhesion strength (grade 1) were obtained when the addition amount of dispersant and KH560 was 5% and 3%, respectively. At the same time, the coating has good super-hydrophobic properties (water contact angle is 154°, rolling angle is 6°).
Key words:  composite coating    low infrared emissivity    super-hydrophobic    dispersant    silane coupling agent
出版日期:  2024-05-25      发布日期:  2024-05-28
ZTFLH:  TN213  
基金资助: 国家自然科学基金(61705029);安徽省高等学校科研计划重点项目(2022AH051121);安徽省高校优秀青年人才支持计划重点项目(gxyqZD2020044);滁州学院大学生创新训练计划项目(2022CXXL2050112)
通讯作者:  *张伟钢,滁州学院材料与化学工程学院副教授、硕士研究生导师。2006年河南科技学院化学工程系化学工程与工艺专业本科毕业,2009年广西大学化学化工学院化学工艺专业硕士毕业,2014年南京航空航天大学材料科学与技术学院材料物理与化学专业博士毕业,2014年9月到滁州学院工作至今。目前主要从事特种功能涂层材料方面的研究工作。发表学术论文50余篇,包括Progress in Organic Coatings、Infrared Physics & Technology、Materials Science and Engineering C、Materials Research Bulletin等。   
张伟钢, 李娇, 吕丹丹. 涂料助剂对PDMS改性环氧树脂/Al复合涂层性能的影响[J]. 材料导报, 2024, 38(10): 23010030-5.
ZHANG Weigang, LI Jiao, LYU Dandan. Effect of Coating Additives on the Properties of PDMS Modified Epoxy Resin/Al Composite Coatings. Materials Reports, 2024, 38(10): 23010030-5.
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