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材料导报  2023, Vol. 37 Issue (24): 22040223-10
  无机非金属及其复合材料 |
王喜茂1,2, 赵运才1, 郭伟玲2,*, 马国政2, 王慧鹏1, 王海斗2,3,*
1 江西理工大学机电工程学院,江西 赣州 341000
2 陆军装甲兵学院装备再制造技术国防科技重点实验室,北京 100072
3 陆军装甲兵学院机械产品再制造国家工程研究中心,北京 100072
Research Progress of Deposition Mechanism and Structure Performance Optimization of Cold Sprayed Copper-based Ceramic Composite Coatings
WANG Ximao1,2, ZHAO Yuncai1, GUO Weiling2,*, MA Guozheng2, WANG Huipeng1, WANG Haidou2,3,*
1 School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Jiangxi University of Science and Technology, Ganzhou 341000, Jiangxi, China
2 National Key Laboratory for Remanufacturing, Army Academy of Armored Force, Beijing 100072, China
3 National Engineering Research Center for Remanufacturing, Army Academy of Armored Force, Beijing 100072, China
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摘要 陶瓷颗粒与铜颗粒的热膨胀系数差异较大,故热喷涂的高温制备易导致涂层分层、开裂和失效。冷喷涂具有热输入低、不易氧化、沉积率高等特点,可以降低甚至避免高温冷却造成的相关缺陷,因此在制备高质量的铜基陶瓷复合涂层时的优势明显。本文首先对三种经典冷喷涂金属及金属合金涂层界面结合的基本概念和原理进行了概括,在此基础上对金属基陶瓷复合涂层的沉积机理进行了归纳总结;其次,从喷涂粉末制备工艺、喷涂前期基体状态和沉积过程工艺参数三个方面对铜基陶瓷复合涂层的组织结构和性能优化方法进行了梳理;最后,对冷喷涂铜基陶瓷复合涂层沉积技术和机理研究的发展方向进行了展望。
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关键词:  冷喷涂  铜基陶瓷复合涂层  沉积机理  喷涂粉末制备  冷喷涂参数    
Abstract: The thermal expansion coefficient of ceramic particles is different from that of copper particles, so that the high temperature of thermal spray technology causes coatings delamination, crack and failure. Cold spraying has demonstrated superiority over conventional technology due to its low operating temperature, low thermal damage and high deposition efficiency. Cold spray can solve the damage caused by high-temperature cooling, so that cold spray has been proven successful in preparing copper-based ceramic composite coatings with high performance. In this work, firstly, we classify the three classical deposition theories of cold spray of metal and metal alloy coatings and summarize the deposition mechanism of Cu-based ceramic composite coatings. Secondly, we analyse the microstructure and performance of copper-based ceramic composite coatings including powder performance, substrate condition and cold spray parameters. Finally, we propose several critical unresolved issues in the field as future research directions.
Key words:  cold spray    copper-based ceramic composite coating    deposition mechanism    preparation of spray powder    cold spray parameter
发布日期:  2023-12-19
ZTFLH:  TB333  
基金资助: 国家自然科学基金(52005511;52130509);某类重点项目(ZD-302-12)
通讯作者:  *郭伟玲,陆军装甲兵学院装备再制造技术国防科技重点实验室副研究员。2004年山西师范大学化学专业本科毕业,2007年山东师范大学物化专业硕士毕业,2010年北京师范大学物理化学专业博士毕业。目前主要从事表面工程、冷喷涂技术等方面的研究工作。发表论文20余篇,主持项目3项,参与项目10余项,发表学术论文20余篇,获授权国家发明专利2项,受理5项,参编专著3部。
作者简介:  王喜茂,2020年6月于赣南科技学院获得工学学士学位。现为江西理工大学机电工程学院硕士研究生,在赵运才教授、马国政副研究员和郭伟玲副研究员的指导下进行研究。目前主要研究领域为冷喷涂技术。
王喜茂, 赵运才, 郭伟玲, 马国政, 王慧鹏, 王海斗. 冷喷涂铜基陶瓷复合涂层沉积机理与结构性能优化研究进展[J]. 材料导报, 2023, 37(24): 22040223-10.
WANG Ximao, ZHAO Yuncai, GUO Weiling, MA Guozheng, WANG Huipeng, WANG Haidou. Research Progress of Deposition Mechanism and Structure Performance Optimization of Cold Sprayed Copper-based Ceramic Composite Coatings. Materials Reports, 2023, 37(24): 22040223-10.
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