Study on the Microstructure and Properties of Fe-based Medium Entropy Alloy Coatings by Laser Melting on 304 Stainless Steel Surfaces
ZHAO Yanchun1,2,*, ZHANG Linhao1, SHI Ziqiang1, LI Wensheng1, ZHANG Dong3, KOU Shengzhong1,2
1 State Key Laboratory of Advanced Processing and Recycling of Non-ferrous Metals, Lanzhou University of Technology, Lanzhou 730050, China 2 Wenzhou Pump and Valve Engineering Research Institute of Lanzhou University of Technology, Wenzhou 325105, Zhejiang, China 3 State Key Laboratory of Comprehensive Utilization of Nickel and Cobalt Resources of Jinchuan Group Co., Ltd., Jinchang 737100, Gansu, China
Abstract: The Fe63.3Mn14Si9.1Cr9.8C3.8 medium entropy alloy coating was prepared on the surface of 304 stainless steel by laser melting technology. The optimum process parameters of Fe-based medium entropy alloy coating were obtained by orthogonal test design. The microstructure, microhardness and wear resistance and corrosion resistance of the coating were observed and tested. The results show that the optimum parameters are laser power 1 500 W, scanning speed 4 mm/s and spot diameter 4 mm. The Fe63.3Mn14Si9.1Cr9.8C3.8medium entropy alloy coating is mainly simple FCC phase structure. The average microhardness of the coating is 279HV0.1, which is about 1.4 times that of the 304 stainless steel matrix 200HV0.1. In 3.5% NaCl solution, the current density of Fe63.3Mn14Si9.1Cr9.8C3.8 medium entropy alloy coating is 2.532×10-6 A·cm-2, which is one order of magnitude lower compared to 304 stainless steel. The coating shows obvious passivation behavior. Under dry friction conditions, the friction coefficient of the coating is 0.55, which is lower than that of 304 stainless steel, and its wear rate is 6.26×10-4 mm3/(N·m), which is 34% lower compared to 304 stainless steel. The corrosion resistance of Fe63.3Mn14Si9.1Cr9.8C3.8 medium entropy alloy coating in 3.5% NaCl solution is better than that of 304 stainless steel, and good wear resistance, which has potential application value.
赵燕春, 张林浩, 师自强, 李文生, 张东, 寇生中. 304不锈钢表面激光熔覆铁基中熵合金涂层组织性能研究[J]. 材料导报, 2023, 37(19): 22050201-7.
ZHAO Yanchun, ZHANG Linhao, SHI Ziqiang, LI Wensheng, ZHANG Dong, KOU Shengzhong. Study on the Microstructure and Properties of Fe-based Medium Entropy Alloy Coatings by Laser Melting on 304 Stainless Steel Surfaces. Materials Reports, 2023, 37(19): 22050201-7.
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