Abstract: Road energy harvesting is a promising renewable energy supply technology that can generate electricity without consuming additional natural resources.It can collect and convert the energy in road area that would otherwise be dissipated and wasted into the usable electrical energy.The technology has become a research hotspot in the fields of road, material, energy and environment. And photovoltaic power generation technology is widely used because of its green-high efficiency and low cost. Therefore, the development of energy harvesting technologies in road based on photovoltaic power generation can effectively promote the progress of smart transportation and achieve the goal of ‘carbon peak’ and ‘carbon neutrality’. At present, the photovoltaic power generation technology and its photoelectric conversion efficiency are increasing day by day, but the output power of its photovoltaic system is vulnerable to various environmental factors and needs to be improved in the practical application of enginee-ring. The research and application of photovoltaic power generation technology in road engineering mainly focus on roadside, pavement and space above it, and the corresponding application area includes noise barrier,road slope, pavement, road canopy, parking canopy, etc.Road photovoltaic power generation technology realizes the integrated design of organic combination of photovoltaic power generation system and road engineering,which also has the functions of noise reduction, slope protection, load bearing, sun shading and others while meeting the function requirements of road and power generation.In addition, the application mode of ‘photovoltaic+transportation’ can not only improve the intelligence of transportation infrastructure and optimize the transportation energy structure, but also promote the energy conservation and emission reduction of road transportation, which contains huge development potential and opportunities. This review summarizes and analyzes the characteristics of solar photovoltaic cells, system composition and the power generation efficiency of impact factors, defines the concept of energy collection technology in road based on photovoltaic generation, clarifies its application scope, and summarizes the latest research and application results and development status of photovoltaic power generation technology in the field of roads.Accordingly, the problems and future development trends are discussed in order to promote the scientific development and application of road photovoltaic power generation technology.
胡恒武, 查旭东, 吕瑞东, 邱梦萱, 钟海阔, 李正, 潘勤学. 基于光伏发电的道路能量收集技术研究进展[J]. 材料导报, 2022, 36(20): 21060129-12.
HU Hengwu, ZHA Xudong, LYU Ruidong, QIU Mengxuan, ZHONG Haikuo, LI Zheng, PAN Qinxue. Recent Advances of Energy Harvesting Technologies in Road Based on Photovoltaic Power Generation. Materials Reports, 2022, 36(20): 21060129-12.
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