Abstract: Hydrogen is the cleanest fuel because it does not produce any toxic by-products to the environment and has a high energy density of 120 kJ/g, more than three times higer than that of oil. It is an ideal alternative energy carrier for fuel cell and has broad prospects for development and application in the near future. As a hydrogen storage medium, NaBH4 contains hydrogen with a mass fraction of 10.7%, which is much higher than other chemicals, and its solution can be stored for a long time. In the presence of a catalyst, the rate of hydrogen release can be controlled. Although precious metal catalysts have high activity and stability, the researchers focused on non-precious metal catalysts due to limited resources and high costs. Cobalt-based catalysts have broad commercial application prospects due to their high activity, lower cost than precious metals and more abundant reserves. However, one of the weaknesses of cobalt is the passivation and deactivation of borate due to its strong adsorption. The electronic structure of cobalt can be modified by alloying in order to reduce cobalt adsorption. Cobalt-based catalysts are mainly divided into supported catalysts and unsupported catalysts. The surface area of unsupported cobalt-based catalysts is usually small, and it is easy to agglomerate in the exothermic hydrolysis reaction, resulting in reduced catalytic performance and ser-vice life. Therefore, the cobalt-based active ingredients are usually carried on the carrier. Due to the strong interaction between the metal cobalt and the catalyst carrier, and the synergistic effect with other elements, the cobalt-based catalyst exhibits a higher performance in the process of hydrogen production by the hydrolysis of sodium borohydride. In addition, adding dopants such as B or P, and alloying with other transition metals (Ni, Fe, Cu, Mo, Zn, W, Cr, etc.) or rare earth metals (Ce, Pr, La, etc.) can also improve its catalytic performance. There are many kinds of cobalt-based catalysts, including cobalt nanoparticles, metallic cobalt, cobalt salts, and cobalt oxides. This paper reviews the research progress of cobalt-based catalysts used to catalyze the hydrolysis of NaBH4 including the hydrolysis principle of NaBH4, the classification of cobalt-based catalysts and the influencing factors of cobalt-based catalysts used to catalyze the hydrolysis of NaBH4. It focuses on the research progress of cobalt-based supported catalysts, and puts forward the current problems in the development of cobalt-based catalysts and prospects for the future development of cobalt based catalysts.
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