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材料导报  2022, Vol. 36 Issue (5): 20080203-15
  高分子与聚合物基复合材料 |
李天天1, 李宝让1, 刘文洁1, 赵鹏翔2, 杜小泽1
1 华北电力大学,电站能量传递转化与系统教育部重点实验室,北京 102206
2 国网综合能源服务集团有限公司,北京 100052
Fabrication and Performance Optimization Technology of Materials for Solid-Solid Phase Change Thermal Energy Storage (Ⅰ)
LI Tiantian1, LI Baorang1, LIU Wenjie1, ZHAO Pengxiang2, DU Xiaoze1
1 North China Electric Power University Key Laboratory of Power Station Energy Transfer Conversion and System, Ministry of Education, Beijing 102206, China
2 State Grid Integrated Energy Service Group Co., Ltd, Beijing 100052, China
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摘要 相变储热技术作为当前储热研究领域中的重点,在能源利用效率的提高方面效果显著。作为高效储热技术之一,固-固相变储热主要通过固体相变实现热量的吸收和释放。相比于固-液相变储热,固-固相变储热相变过程中体积变化小,同时无明显相分离、泄露等现象,在节能、环保和新能源等诸多领域中具有巨大的发展潜力。
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关键词:  固-固相变  储热材料  相变机制    
Abstract: Thermal energy storage technology depending upon phase change is the hot spot in the field of heat storage research, which has a significant effect on improving energy utilization efficiency. As one of the high-efficiency thermal energy storage technologies, solid-solid phase change thermal energy storage mainly realizes the absorption and release of heat through solid phase transformation process. Compared with the solid-liquid phase change thermal energy storage, the volume change of solid-solid phase change is smaller, and there is no obvious phase separation and leakage phenomenon. It has attractive development potential in many fields such as energy conservation, environmental protection and new energy.
The organic materials in solid-solid phase change thermal energy storage field mainly include polymer, polyhydric alcohols and layered perovskite. Among them, polymeric phase change materials are mainly formed by the ‘soft phase' macromolecules connected with the ‘hard phase' polymer skeleton by means of chemical bonds. The ‘soft phase' is the main part of the phase transformation process, and the solid-liquid transition occurs when the temperature rises to the transition temperature. The‘hard phase' skeleton restricts its macro flow and plays an important role in maintaining the solid morphology. At low temperature, polyhydric alcohols present a layered crystal structure. The interlayer molecules are connected by hydrogen bonds, and part of the hydrogen bonds break during the solid phase transition, and the molecules change to face centered cubic crystal structure. Layered perovskite is an intercalated crystal structure composed of long chain alkanes in organic layer and metal coordination tetrahedron [MX42-]in inorganic layer. Its solid-solid phase transition mechanism is similar to that of polymer, that is, the long alkyl chain of organic layer undergoes order-disorder transformation, while the inorganic layer structure remains unchanged.
At present, in the preparation technology of organic solid-solid phase change thermal energy storage materials, polymer materials are mainly formed by grafting copolymerization, block copolymerization and other methods, using polyethylene glycol as phase change medium and combining with polymer skeleton by means of chemical bond; polyhydric alcohols are suitable for medium and high temperature working conditions, and their phase transition temperature and enthalpy are related to the number of hydrogen bonds contained, and their thermophysical properties can be adjusted by multi-component composite ratio. The thermophysical properties of layered perovskite depend on the length of alkyl chain, which can be used to prepare the pluralistic system to widen the range of phase transition temperature. In recent years, in order to meet the requirements of high thermal energy storage power in practice, in addition to the development of new phase change materials, the heat conduction enhancement technology of phase change materials is also constantly improved.
Based on current researches published in the opened literatures, the solid-solid thermal energy storage technology was analyzed and summarized in detail from various aspects including the characteristics of phase change behavior,material preparation, performance optimization techno-logy and application, etc. On this basis, from the perspective of material preparation and phase change mechanism control, the technical barriers and future research directions of solid-solid phase change thermal energy storage materials are prospected. The content of this review can provide valuable professional reference for further research in exploring new thermal energy storage materials, especially for the development of medium and high temperature solid-solid phase change thermal energy storage materials.
Key words:  solid-solid phase change    thermal energy storage materials    phase change mechanism
出版日期:  2022-03-10      发布日期:  2022-03-08
ZTFLH:  TK02  
基金资助: 国家电网公司《多能互补分布式能源系统的关键技术研究》项目
作者简介:  李天天,2019年6月毕业于华北电力大学,获得工学学士学位。现为华北电力大学能源动力与机械工程学院硕士研究生,在李宝让教授的指导下进行研究。目前主要研究领域为固-固相变储热材料。
杜小泽,2000年在清华大学获博士学位, 华北电力大学教授、博士生导师、教育部长江学者特聘教授;现任华北电力大学能源动力与机械工程学院院长、电站能量传递转化与系统教育部重点实验室主任;兼任中国电机工程学会副秘书长、中国可再生能源学会常务理事兼储能专委会主任、中国工程热物理学会传热传质学委员会委员、北京热物理与能源工程学会常务理事、International Journal of Thermodynamics编委。主要研究方向为强化传热、太阳能和新能源发电、储能材料与储能技术等。共发表国内外学术期刊论文200余篇,被引用5 800余次。
李天天, 李宝让, 刘文洁, 赵鹏翔, 杜小泽. 固-固相变储热及其材料制备和性能优化技术(Ⅰ)[J]. 材料导报, 2022, 36(5): 20080203-15.
LI Tiantian, LI Baorang, LIU Wenjie, ZHAO Pengxiang, DU Xiaoze. Fabrication and Performance Optimization Technology of Materials for Solid-Solid Phase Change Thermal Energy Storage (Ⅰ). Materials Reports, 2022, 36(5): 20080203-15.
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