锰基低温NH3 -SCR脱硝催化剂的研究概述
郭梓阳, 霍旺晨, 张育新* , 任山, 杨剑
重庆大学材料科学与工程学院,重庆 400044
A Review of Mn-based Low Temperature NH3 -SCR Denitration Catalyst
GUO Ziyang, HUO Wangchen, ZHANG Yuxin* , REN Shan, YANG Jian
College of Materials Science and Engineering, Chongqing University, Chongqing, 400044, China
摘要 氨气选择性催化还原技术(NH3 -SCR)因利用NH3 作为还原剂实现NOx 的高效转化而受到广泛关注。虽然V2 O5 -WO3 (MoO3 )/TiO2 催化剂已经投入商业化应用,但为了满足更高和更复杂的实际性应用需求,特别是针对低温脱硝催化剂的开发仍然刺激着新型催化剂的发展。在诸多金属氧化物催化剂中,锰氧化物由于具有多变的阳离子价态、表面不稳定氧和优异的氧化还原性能,在低温NH3 -SCR反应中展现出巨大的潜力。然而,目前锰基脱硝催化剂的效率仍受制于NOx 的转化率、N2 选择性、工作温度窗口以及失活物质(SO2 和H2 O、碱/碱土金属、重金属等)的影响。因此,近年来研究者们主要针对以上四个方面致力于提高锰基低温催化剂的性能,并取得了丰硕的成果,在充分利用锰氧化物优势的前提下大幅提升了其在低温下的工作效率。除了研究单一锰氧化物的效率外,研究者们通过水热法、水浴法、浸渍法等多种合成方法将过渡金属和稀土金属两类元素用于锰氧化物的修饰,复合和掺杂修饰之后所得的多元金属氧化物解决以上四个方面问题的能力显著提升。此外,通过研究负载锰氧化物的不同基底材料,如TiO2 、Al2 O3 、碳材料和无机非金属矿物等,也可以实现催化剂的效率和稳定性的提高。同时,通过深入探究锰基低温催化剂的相关反应机制,包括“Langmuir-Hinshelwood”机制、“Eley-Rideal”机制和“Fast SCR”反应机制,能够对提升催化剂的效率做出理论指导。文中主要总结了近年来研究人员对提升锰基低温催化剂的工作效率而做出的努力,分别介绍了锰基催化剂的挑战、针对锰氧化物的调控和相关反应机理等,概述了锰基低温催化剂所面临的问题并做出了展望,以期为制备高效稳定和环境友好的低温脱硝催化剂提供参考。
Abstract: Selective catalytic reduction with Ammonia (NH3 -SCR), which has received widespread attention by utilizing NH3 as reducing agents to achieve high-efficiency conversion of NOx . Although commercial V2 O5 -WO3 (MoO3 )/TiO2 catalysts have been came into service, however, in order to meet higher and more complex practical application requirements, especially the exploitation of low-temperature denitration catalysts still stimulate the development of novel SCR catalysts. Among varied metal oxide catalysts, manganese oxide exhibits great potential in low-temperature NH3 -SCR reactions, which can be ascribed to its variable cation valence, unstable surface oxygen and excellent redox performance. However, the efficiency of current manganese-based denitration catalysts is still limited by the conversion rate of NOx , N2 selectivity, operating temperature window, and deactivation substances such as SO2 and H2 O, alkaline/alkaline earth metals, and heavy metals. Therefore, in recent years, researchers have focused on improving the working efficiency of manganese-based low-temperature catalysts in the above four aspects, and have achieved fruitful results. On the premise of making full use of the advantages of manganese oxide, the work efficiency of manganese-based catalysts at low temperatures is significantly improved. In addition to studying the efficiency of single manganese oxide, researchers have used a variety of synthetic methods such as hydrothermal, water bath, and immersion methods to modify manganese oxides with transition metals and rare earth metals. The multi-element metal oxide formed after compounding and doping modification can greatly improve the ability to address the above four aspects. Moreover, by studying diffe-rent substrate materials supporting manganese oxide, such as TiO2 , Al2 O3 , carbon materials and inorganic non-metallic minerals, the efficiency and stability of the catalyst can also be improved. And through in-depth exploration of the relevant reaction mechanisms of manganese-based low-temperature catalysts, including “Langmuir-Hinshelwood” “Eley-Rideal” and “Fast SCR” reaction mechanism, which can provide theoretical guidance for improving the efficiency of the catalyst. This review mainly summarizes the efforts made by researchers in recent years to improve the efficiency of manganese-based low-temperature catalysts, and the challenges of manganese-based catalysts, the regulation of manganese oxides and related reaction mechanisms are introduced respectively. Furthermore, we pay attention to the problems that confronting the current state-of-the-art manganese-based low-temperature catalysts and put forward corresponding prospects. It is expected to provide a reference for the preparation of high-efficiency, stable and environment-friendly low-temperature denitration catalysts in the future.
Key words:
selective catalytic reduction
low temperature
出版日期: 2021-07-10
发布日期: 2021-07-14
基金资助: 国家自然科学基金(21576034)
作者简介: 郭梓阳,2018年6月获得学士学位,随后在重庆大学材料科学与工程学院攻读硕士研究生学位,在张育新教授的指导下开展研究工作。目前主要的研究领域为光催化和低温选择性还原脱硝。 张育新,重庆大学材料科学与工程学院教授、博士生导师。本科和硕士分别于2000年和2003年毕业于天津大学化工学院,2008年博士毕业于新加坡国立大学化学与生物分子工程系,随后继续在曾华淳教授课题组从事博士后研究直到2009年。主要的研究兴趣包括纳米材料的制备与应用;超级电容器电极材料的合成与形貌控制;光催化材料的先进设计及性能研究。在 Nat. Chem.、JACS、Adv. Mater.、ACS Nano 等期刊上共发表SCI论文190余篇。
郭梓阳, 霍旺晨, 张育新, 任山, 杨剑. 锰基低温NH3 -SCR脱硝催化剂的研究概述[J]. 材料导报, 2021, 35(13): 13085-13099.
GUO Ziyang, HUO Wangchen, ZHANG Yuxin, REN Shan, YANG Jian. A Review of Mn-based Low Temperature NH3 -SCR Denitration Catalyst. Materials Reports, 2021, 35(13): 13085-13099.
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