Review of On-line Monitoring Research on Metal Additive Manufacturing Process
CHAN Yufei1, CHEN Changjun1,2, ZHANG Min1
1 Laser Processing Research Center, School of Mechanical and Electric Engineering, Soochow University, Suzhou 215021 2 State Key Laboratory of Advanced Processing and Recycling of Nonferrous Metals, Lanzhou University of Technology, Lanzhou 730050
Abstract: Metal additive manufacturing technology combines manufacturing technology, optical technology, numerical control technology, sensing technology and other scientific technologies,so it is a multi-disciplinary new manufacturing technology. Compared with traditional reduced mate-rial manufacturing methods, this technology have some advantages that contain wide processing materials, short manufacturing cycle, and less environmental pollution, produce parts with complex structure easily. After decades of development, the technology has been widely used in aerospace, rapid prototyping, biomedical, decorative manufacturing and many other fields. However, the lack of on-line monitoring of parts produced using metal additive manufacturing technology has hindered the further development of this technology in areas requiring high quality and dimensional accuracy of parts, such as medical and aerospace. In response to this problem, on-line monitoring research on the metal additive manufacturing process came into being. In the metal additive manufacturing process, the quality and dimensional accuracy of the parts are affected by process parameters (such as laser power, powder feeding rate, scanning speed, etc.), external factors (substrate temperature, cooling method), and temperature and size of the molten pool. In a result, these factors have become the main object of on-line monitoring research.Moreover, with the application of gradient functional parts manufactured by AM technology in some fields such as aerospace, it is important to achieve on-line monitoring of the elemental composition and microstructure of the part. The temperature and size monitoring of the molten pool in the past 10 years has been the focus of on-line monitoring research and has achieved fruitful results. In the past three years, in addition to the temperature and size monitoring of the molten pool, there have been some new on-line monitoring studies, such as on-line monitoring of elemental composition and cooling rate. On-line monitoring research has increased the quality and dimensional accuracy of parts while fully utilizing the advantages of metal additive manufacturing technology, and is important for the development and manufacture of functional parts, and expands the application field of this technology. Regard to on-line monitoring of temperature and size of melt pool, closed-loop control has been implemented. In the closed-loop control system, the measured data is fed back to the controller, and the controller gives the actuator the corresponding action based on the deviation, ultimately achieving the purpose of improving the part quality and dimensional accuracy. Because the new on-line monitoring system has a short research time, only the microstructure on-line monitoring can achieve closed-loop control. The on-line monitoring of composition has not achieved closed-loop control. Therefore, only real-time monitoring of composition can be realized at present. This paper summarizes the monitoring tools used in the on-line monitoring research of metal additive manufacturing process and its working principle, and introduces on-line monitoring systems such as melt pool temperature and size, element composition and microstructure. We then pay attention to analyze the problems confronting the current on-line monitoring research on metal additive manufacturing process and propose the possible future direction in this field. The prospect of this review is intended to provide a reference for beginners in related research field.
作者简介: 产玉飞,2016年6月毕业于安徽理工大学,获得工学学士学位。现为苏州大学机电工程学院硕士研究生,在陈长军教授的指导下进行研究,目前主要研究领域为增材制造过程元素成分的在线监测。 陈长军,苏州大学机电学院教授、硕士研究生导师。2000年7月本科毕业于东北大学有色金属冶金专业,2007年1月在中国科学院金属研究所取得博士学位,2007—2011年在武汉科技大学材料与冶金学院担任副教授、硕士研究生导师。2011年8月至今担任苏州大学机电工程学院激光加工中心教授,2013年9月至2014年9月赴美国哥伦比亚大学进行国家公派访问。2013年获苏州市科研院所、高等学校紧缺高层次人才称号,2016年获得江苏省“333工程”人才称号,现任江苏省激光产业技术创新战略联盟秘书长。主要从事镁合金,钛合金,高温合金,铝合金,特殊用途钢的激光表面制造与再制造。在材料与激光增材制造领域共发表公开文献200多篇,包括 International Journal of Surface Science and Engineering、 Laser in Engineering、 Journal of Material Enginee ring and Performance、International Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering、Rare Metal material and Engineering和Journal of Alloys and Compounds等期刊。获授权发明专利20多项,实用新型40多项。
产玉飞, 陈长军, 张敏. 金属增材制造过程的在线监测研究综述[J]. 材料导报, 2019, 33(17): 2839-2846.
CHAN Yufei, CHEN Changjun, ZHANG Min. Review of On-line Monitoring Research on Metal Additive Manufacturing Process. Materials Reports, 2019, 33(17): 2839-2846.
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