Impact of Brazing Temperature on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties ofNi200 Alloys Joints by Vacuum Brazing Using Nanosilver Pastes
WEN Li1, XUE Songbai1, MA Chaoli1, LONG Weimin2, ZHONG Sujuan2
1 College of Materials Science and Technology, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing 210016 2 State Key Laboratory of Advanced Brazing Filler Metals and Technology, Zhengzhou Research Institute of Mechanical Engineering Co., Ltd., Zhengzhou 450001
Abstract: The nanosilver solder pastes prepared by improved polyol method exhibited favorable stability and linear micro-morphology mostly. The composition and melting point of the prepared nanosilver pastes were measured by XRD and DSC, respectively. Subsequently, nickel(Ni200) alloys were brazed in vacuum with the prepared nanosliver paste, and the impact of brazing temperature on the microstructure and properties of brazed joint were investigated. It can be found in the results that the sintering temperature increase is beneficial to the density improving of the sintered structure in the joint and the interdiffusion between the atoms at the interface, thus enhances the shear strength of the brazed joints. Howe-ver, excessively high temperature will lead to a slight drop in the property of joints. The brazed joints present a maximum shear strength of 42.5 MPa at 850 ℃, which is about 912% higher than that at 300 ℃.
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