Abstract: In order to improve the activity of waste brick, compounded it with fly ash, mineral powder and alkali-activator to form the construction waste composite powder materials (CWCPM). For further study the feasibility of CWCPM as concrete admixture, studied the pore structure of differe-nt concretes mixed with CWCPM by the method of mercury injection, analyzed the relationship between compressive strength of the concrete and pore parameters, pore size distribution, set up compressive strength-pore structure prediction model through multiple regression by considering the pore parameters and pore size distribution. Results show that CWCPM reduces 7 d compressive strength of the specimen; when its dosage is less than 30%, the 28 d compressive strength is higher than that of the control specimen; the greater total pore area and the smaller total pore volume, average pore diameter and porosity indicate higher strength value; the compressive strength shows a negative correlation with the number of capillary pore and large pore, and has no obvious relation with the number of gel pore and transition pore; the compressive strength-pore structure model which considers the pore parameters and pore size distribution can accurately predict the compressive strength of concrete mixing with CWCPM.
薛翠真, 申爱琴, 郭寅川. 基于孔结构参数的掺CWCPM混凝土抗压强度预测模型的建立[J]. 材料导报, 2019, 33(8): 1348-1353.
XUE Cuizhen, SHEN Aiqin, GUO Yinchuan. Prediction Model for the Compressive Strength of Concrete Mixed with CWCPM Based on Pore Structure Parameters. Materials Reports, 2019, 33(8): 1348-1353.
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