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材料导报  2020, Vol. 34 Issue (2): 2010-2016
  无机非金属及其复合材料 |
朱广彬1, 边志成1, 何雨林1, 李前进1, 郭路路1, 罗志虹1, 罗鲲2
1 桂林理工大学材料科学与工程学院,桂林 541004
2 常州大学材料科学与工程学院,常州 213164
Synthesis and Catalytic Performance Towards Oxygen Reduction of Fe/N Codoped Graphene
ZHU Guangbin1, BIAN Zhicheng1, HE Yulin1, LI Qianjin1, GUO Lulu1, LUO Zhihong1, LUO Kun2
1 College of Materials Science and Engineering,Guilin University of Technology,Guilin 541004,China
2 School of Materials Science and Engineering,Changzhou University,Changzhou 213164,China
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摘要 为提高直接甲醇燃料电池(DMFC)的氧还原反应动力学,减少商用Pt/C催化剂的使用,本工作提出将铁/氮共掺杂石墨烯(Fe/NG)作为DMFC的氧还原催化剂,并研究了Fe/NG的制备方法和催化活性。首先,通过水热法处理吸附有铁离子的聚苯胺/氧化石墨烯,并分别在700 ℃、800 ℃和900 ℃对其进行热处理,得到Fe/NG-700、Fe/NG-800和Fe/NG-900三种催化剂。然后,采用X射线衍射(XRD)和X射线光电子能谱(XPS)对三种Fe/NG催化剂进行表征,确定了铁元素以铁单质和四氧化三铁两种形式存在,氮元素以吡啶氮和石墨氮为主。最后,在氧饱和的0.1 mol/L KOH碱性体系中,采用循环伏安法(CV)、旋转圆盘电极(RDE)、旋转环盘电极(RRDE)研究了三种Fe/NG催化剂的ORR催化机理,证明Fe/NG-700、Fe/NG-800、Fe/NG-900催化四电子过程中,双氧水产率保持接近0。Fe/NG-700、Fe/NG-800、Fe/NG-900具有与20% Pt/C相当的催化活性和循环稳定性,更优异的抗甲醇毒化能力,是一种潜在的直接甲醇燃料电池催化剂。
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关键词:  氧还原反应  铁/氮共掺杂石墨烯  四电子过程  稳定性  耐甲醇毒化    
Abstract: Aiming at making the oxygen reduction reaction of direct methanol fuel cell (DMFC) dynamically easier and reducing the utilization of commercial Pt/C catalysts, we introduced the Fe/N-codoped graphene (Fe/NG) to the DMFC as catalyst for oxygen reduction reaction (ORR), and investigated the synthesis approach and ORR catalytic performance of Fe/NG. Firstly, Fe ions absorbed polyaniline/graphene oxide was hydrothermally treated, subsequent heat treatments at 700 ℃, 800 ℃ and 900 ℃ in nitrogen atmosphere were carried out, and a series of Fe/N-codoped graphene composites (Fe/NG-700, Fe/NG-800 and Fe/NG-900) were obtained. Then, analysis of the Fe/NG products by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) proved that Fe element existed in the form of iron metal and ferric tetroxide, and nitrogen species primarily consisted of pyridine nitrogen and graphite nitrogen. Finally, the ORR catalytic activity and mechanism of the Fe/NG pro-ducts were measured by means of cyclic voltammetry (CV), rotating disk electrode (RDE) and rotating ring disk electrode (RRDE) in oxygen-saturated 0.1 mol/L KOH alkaline solution. It is demonstrated that the ORR catalyzed by Fe/NG-700, Fe/NG-800 and Fe/NG-900 showed four electron process with a hydrogen peroxide yield close to 0. Compared with 20% Pt/C, Fe/NG-700, Fe/NG-800 and Fe/NG-900 exhibited comparable activity and stability, superior methanol tolerance, which made Fe/NG a promising catalyst for direct methanol fuel cell.
Key words:  oxygen reduction reaction    Fe/N-codoped graphene    four electron process    stability    methanol tolerance
出版日期:  2020-01-25      发布日期:  2020-01-03
ZTFLH:  TB321  
基金资助: 国家自然科学基金(51874051);广西自然科学基金(2015GXNSFBA139220;2016GXNSFAA380107;2018GXNSFAA281184)
作者简介:  罗志虹,桂林理工大学材料科学与工程学院,讲师,硕士研究生导师。于2014年获得华中科技大学博士学位。从事新能源材料、超级电容器、燃料电池、锂空气电池方面的研究,取得了多项创新性成果,发表期刊论文和发明专利共20多篇;朱广彬,2016年毕业于平顶山学院,获得化学工程与工艺专业工学学士学位。现为桂林理工大学硕士研究生,在罗鲲教授和罗志虹博士的指导下进行研究。目前主要研究领域为新能源材料;罗鲲,常州大学,教授,博士研究生导师,曾于2008年—2018年在桂林理工大学任教。分别于2000年和2004年获得中国科学院材料科学与工程专业硕士学位和博士学位。从事新能源储能材料研究,已在Adv. Mater., Chem. Commun., Chem.Mater., J. Mater. Chem. A等期刊发表研究论文100余篇。
朱广彬, 边志成, 何雨林, 李前进, 郭路路, 罗志虹, 罗鲲. 铁/氮共掺杂石墨烯的制备及氧还原催化活性[J]. 材料导报, 2020, 34(2): 2010-2016.
ZHU Guangbin, BIAN Zhicheng, HE Yulin, LI Qianjin, GUO Lulu, LUO Zhihong, LUO Kun. Synthesis and Catalytic Performance Towards Oxygen Reduction of Fe/N Codoped Graphene. Materials Reports, 2020, 34(2): 2010-2016.
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