Abstract: As a new type of enhanced heat transfer medium, nanofluid has higher thermal conductivity and single-phase convective heat transfer coefficient than traditional fluid, which can realize more efficient energy utilization. However, at room temperature, the accumulation and sedimentation of nanofluid occur with the increase of standing time. The motion mechanism of nanoparticles in the nanofluid at medium temperature is more complex, which makes it more difficult to maintain long-term dispersion stability. The instability of nanofluid will lead to the deterioration of its performance, which makes it difficult to realize large-scale engineering applications. Therefore, it is of great practical significance to study the stability of nanofluid. In this paper, the factors leading to the instability of nanofluid were summarized, the methods to enhance the stability of nanofluid were concluded, and the shortcomings of the research on the thermal stability of nanofluid at medium temperature were pointed out. In addition, the effects of Brownian motion, thermophoresis and photophoresis of nanoparticles in nanofluid on the stability were analyzed from the perspective of microscopic mechanism, and the advantages and disadvantages of computational fluid dynamics, lattice Boltzmann method and molecular dynamics methods for the simulation of the aggregation and sedimentation process of nanofluid were compared. Finally, the application prospect and potential difficulties of nanofluid in the field of medium temperature were forecasted.
姜琴, 刁珂龙, 杨谋存, 朱跃钊. 纳米流体中温热稳定性研究进展[J]. 材料导报, 2023, 37(S1): 23040330-10.
JIANG Qin, DIAO Kelong, YANG Moucun, ZHU Yuezhao. Advances in the Research of Medium Temperature Thermal Stability of Nanofluids. Materials Reports, 2023, 37(S1): 23040330-10.
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