Research Progress and Key Technologies of Semi-conductive Shielding Materials for High-voltage Cables
FU Mingli1,2, HOU Shuai1,2,*, WANG Lei2, ZHAN Yunpeng1,2, ZHU Wenbo1,2, JIA Lichuan2, LI Xiaolin1,2, CHEN Xiao3, XU Shu3
1 Electric Power Research Institute, China Southern Power Grid, Guangzhou 510663, China 2 State Key Laboratory of HVDC, Guangzhou 510663, China 3 Shenzhen Power Supply Bureau, Shenzhen 518000, Guangdong, China
Abstract: As an important part of high voltage cable, the performance of semi-conductive shielding layers plays a crucial role in the operation stability and service life of high voltage cable. However, the semi-conductive shielding materials of high voltage cable are completely dependent on import, greatly limiting the independent production of high voltage cable. This paper introduces the development status of high voltage shielding materials and their components. It also points out several key technical problems in the fabrication of semi-conductive shielding materials of high voltage, including the dispersion of conductive carbon black, resistance stability and ultra-smooth surface finish. Finally, the development direction of semi-conductive shielding materials for high voltage cables is prospected. This research is expected to provide theoretical guidance for the domestic development of semi-conductive shielding materials of high voltage cable.
作者简介: 傅明利,高级技术专家,分别在西安交通大学和英国南安普顿大学获得电气工程学士和博士学位。长期从事高电压设备安全运行及资产全生命周期管理、高电压交直流绝缘、绝缘系统故障诊断和新型绝缘材料应用技术的研究。在IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation、《中国电机工程学报》等国内外期刊发表论文100余篇。
傅明利, 侯帅, 王磊, 展云鹏, 朱闻博, 贾利川, 黎小林, 陈潇, 徐曙. 高压电缆半导电屏蔽料研究进展及关键技术分析[J]. 材料导报, 2023, 37(21): 22010188-7.
FU Mingli, HOU Shuai, WANG Lei, ZHAN Yunpeng, ZHU Wenbo, JIA Lichuan, LI Xiaolin, CHEN Xiao, XU Shu. Research Progress and Key Technologies of Semi-conductive Shielding Materials for High-voltage Cables. Materials Reports, 2023, 37(21): 22010188-7.
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