Effect of Corrosion Rate of Steel Bar on Bond Performance Between Steel Barand Concrete
WANG Zhaoyang1,2, ZHOU Quan1, YANG Ou2, HUO Jingsi2,3, WANG Haitao2
1 China Southwest Architectural Design and Research Institute Corp., Ltd., Hunan Branch, Changsha 410008; 2 China Ministry of Education Key Laboratory of Building Safety and Energy Efficiency, College of Civil Engineering, Hunan University, Changsha 410082; 3 College of Civil Engineering, Huaqiao University, Xiamen 361021
Abstract: To investigate the influence of corrosion of steel bar on the bonding performance between steel bar and concrete, 24 central pull-out test spe-cimens as well as other 6 specimens for compressive strength were cast. Pull-out test were conducted to study the bond behavior between concrete and steel bar which was corroded using current accelerate method to control corrosion with the expected corrosion rate of 0%,0.3%,0.5%,1%,2%,5%,8%,15%.The influence of corrosion rate on bond stiffness was studied by method of secant stiffness.The influence of corrosion on work of pull-out force before peak slip was also studied.A simplified three-stage test method and constitutive model of bond strength degeneration were proposed.Furthermore,a three-stage bond-slip constitutive relation was proposed considering influence of corrosion on residual bond strength. The test results show that degradation speed of bond stiffness between concrete and rebar can be divided into two stages after reaching peak.The work of pull-out force before peak slip decline at the beginning then increase and finally decrease with corrosion increasing.
王朝阳, 周全, 杨鸥, 霍静思, 王海涛. 钢筋锈蚀率对钢筋与混凝土黏结性能的影响[J]. 材料导报, 2019, 33(Z2): 309-316.
WANG Zhaoyang, ZHOU Quan, YANG Ou, HUO Jingsi, WANG Haitao. Effect of Corrosion Rate of Steel Bar on Bond Performance Between Steel Barand Concrete. Materials Reports, 2019, 33(Z2): 309-316.
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