The Micro Process of Water Damage in Asphalt Mixture in Seasonal Frozen Area Under the Dynamic Water Erosion
WANG Ying1, YANG Xi1, JIANG Jibin2, LI Ping1,*, NIAN Tengfei1
1 School of Civil Engineering, Lanzhou University of Technology, Lanzhou 730050, China 2 China Municipal Engineering Northwest Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd. , Lanzhou 730000, China
Abstract: The dynamic water scouring is one of the most important factors causing water damage of asphalt mixture. In this work, the air void of the ordinary AC asphalt mixture, mixtures with cement, hydrated lime and polymer anti stripping agent were measured under the combined action of dynamic water scouring and freeze-thaw (DWS-FT) cycle by a self-made simulation equipment. Meanwhile, the evolution of meso pore structure in the process of water damage of asphalt mixture was analyzed with the CT scanning test combined. The test results show that with the increase of DWS-FT cycle times, more frost heaving holes were found in the mixture. Combined with the loss of fine materials under the action of dynamic water. The frost heaving effect is intensified and holes are gradually connected which may aggravate the scouring effect of dynamic water in reverse. The effect of DWS-FT became stronger and the range of pore penetration was wider for the parts with more agglomerated pores and the edge area of specimens. The 3D pore model data show that the bulk porosity of the mixture has a decreasing trend from the upper to the bottom. For the mixture with cement and slaked lime, the porosity increase rate of the upper layer is close to that of the middle layers, indicating that the depth of the DWS-FT cycle is the largest. The porosity increase rate of the pore of the asphalt mixture with polymer is the smallest. With the traditional freeze-thaw test compared, the splitting tensile strength of the mixture decreases more significantly under the DWS-FT cycle mode, and the decay trend of mechanical strength is basically consistent with the change law of macro and micro pore structure. The comprehensive data show that the asphalt mixture with polymer anti stripping agent has the best performance and water stability after cycling, followed by the mixture with hydrated lime and cement.
作者简介: 王英,兰州理工大学讲师,2010年获得西南交通大学道路与铁道工程专业硕士学位。2021年获兰州大学地质工程专业博士学位,主要从事特殊土路基病害工程处置及沥青混合料路用性能方面的研究。目前已发表期刊论文6篇,分别收录于《岩石力学与工程学报》《岩土力学》《吉林大学学报》以及Soils and foundation等期刊。 李萍,兰州理工大学教授、博士研究生导师。2000年7月毕业于中国科学院兰州分院寒区旱区环境与工程研究所获博士学位,进入兰州理工大学土木工程学院任教,现担任道路与桥梁工程学科学术带头人。主要从事沥青路面材料以及热再生沥青混合料路用性能及路面结构优化设计方面的研究。近五年发表期刊论文40余篇,其中EI检索20余篇。
王英, 杨熙, 姜继斌, 李萍, 念腾飞. 动水冲刷作用下季冻区沥青混合料水损害发展的细观过程[J]. 材料导报, 2022, 36(10): 21040158-7.
WANG Ying, YANG Xi, JIANG Jibin, LI Ping, NIAN Tengfei. The Micro Process of Water Damage in Asphalt Mixture in Seasonal Frozen Area Under the Dynamic Water Erosion. Materials Reports, 2022, 36(10): 21040158-7.
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