Research Progress of Doping Modification of Potassium Sodium Niobate-based Lead-free Piezoelectric Ceramics
SONG Yaya1,2, HUANG Yanfei2, GUO Weiling2, XING Zhiguo2, WANG Haidou2, LV Zhenlin1, ZHANG Zhinan3
1 School of Materials Science and Engineering, Xi'an University of Technology, Xi'an 710048, China 2 National Key Laboratory for Remanufacturing, Army Armored Force Institute, Beijing 100072, China 3 School of Mechanical and Power Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China
Abstract: Piezoelectric ceramic materials are widely used due to their excellent electromechanical conversion characteristics. They are mainly divided into lead-based and lead-free piezoelectric ceramics. However, high lead concentration is extremely harmful to the environment, and international legislation has prohibited the application of lead-based piezoelectric ceramics. Therefore, environmentally friendly lead-free piezoelectric ceramics have become the research focus. Potassium sodium niobate (KNN)-based lead-free ceramics are favored because of their large piezoelectric coefficient and high Curie temperature. KNN-based ceramics with appropriate composition and crystal phase adjustment can achieve the best electrical properties at the polycrystalline phase boundary, and some are even comparable to PZT. However, difficulty in controlling the polycrystalline phase boundary and the volatile nature of K and Na in KNN-based ceramics have seriously affected their electrical properties. In addition, the fundamental reasons behind the optimum electrical properties at the polycrystalline phase boundary remain undiscovered. Taking ion substitution, adding new components and adding sintering additives as the starting point, this article discusses the doping mechanism and sintering characteristics of KNN-based ceramics in detail. It also discusses the effects of A-site doping, B-site doping, and A and B-site co-doping on the crystal structure of KNN-based ceramics with a focus on the physical mechanism of the coexistence of R-O, O-T, or R-T phases and high piezoelectric properties, and summarizes prospects and developments in KNN-based piezoelectric ceramics. The results show that adding a new component based on ion substitution is more conducive to constructing a multiphase coexistence microstructure. And the deve-loped sintering aid can effectively improve the poor sintering performance of KNN-based ceramics. Based on the results, it is established that KNN-based piezoelectric ceramics have great potential in replacing lead-based piezoelectric ceramics.
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