Abstract: Multilayer ceramic capacitor (MLCC)is one of the most important passive components. As the application of MLCC has been extended to many fields, MLCC is required to have stable performance at high working temperature as well as in a wide temperature range. So temperature-stable MLCC dielectrics are urgently needed. BaTiO3 based materials exhibit advantages such as high permittivity, low dielectric loss, low cost and being environmentally-friendly, which make it one of the most widely studied candidates for MLCC dielectrics. However, the permittivity-temperature stability of purified BaTiO3 is unable to meet the requirement of temperature-stable MLCC. Owing to the limitation of the Curie tempe-rature of BaTiO3, it is hard to improve its permittivity-temperature stability to achieve the X8R/X9R standard by simply modifying BaTiO3 itself. Therefore, the avenue of forming BaTiO3-based solid solutions with the mixture of other perovskite compounds including Bi(M)O3, (Bi0.5Na0.5)-TiO3, K0.5Na0.5NbO3 and CaCu3Ti4O12 has attracted much attention, as well as the modification of received BaTiO3-based complex perovskite dielectrics. In this paper, the research progress on BaTiO3-based complex perovskite dielectrics for temperature-stable MLCC application in recent years is reviewed, and the development prospects are commented.
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