Abstract: Ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC) is used to reinforce the bridge. The bonding performance between UHPC and the existing ordinary concrete (NC) structure interface is the key to ensuring the reinforcement effect. In order to study the influence of the interface structure on the bonding performance of the UHPC-NC interface, the keyway layout and shape are used as variables to carry out a single-sided direct shear test of the keyway structure UHPC-NC, and compare with the interface paste treatment specimen. The test results show that the failure modes of the UHPC-NC bonding interface can be mainly divided into four types, of which types c and d failure (the failure of the bonding interface and NC) accounts for 80% of the total failure modes; the interface bonding performance of the keyway structure group is better than the paste group, the shear strength of the interface bond is about 2 times higher than that of the paste group; when the width of the key notch is small (10—20 mm), that is, when the volume loss rate is less than 0.09, the shear strength of the UHPC-NC interface bond increases with the increase of the width of the key notch; the interface bonding shear strength of the normal trapezoidal keyway specimen is about 25% higher than that of the right angle keyway specimen, and the interface bonding shear strength of the inverted trapezoidal keyway specimen is 13%—15% higher than that of the right angle keyway specimen; the keyway structure UHPC-NC interface bond-slip curve includes an elastic rising phase, a yielding phase, and a failure falling phase. Some curves have no yielding phase, and their ultimate slip values are all below 0.8 mm. The keyway structure UHPC-NC interface bond-slip model is proposed, and the recommended value of bond stiffness is given.
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