Abstract: Nano-composite energetic materials are a new type of energetic materials which have been developed in the military field of all countries. Nano-composite energetic materials are characterized by intimate mixing of reactive components from nanometer to atomic level, which have the advantages of high specific surface area, high chemical reactivity, short diffusion distance, and large contact area between reac-tants. Thus, it promotes the rapid combustion and efficient energy release of the composite energetic materials. The high energy density and high energy release rate of nano-composite energetic materials have provoked wide concern of researchers, so the preparation of nano-composite energetic materials has been rapidly developed. Commonly used preparation methods include sol-gel method, high energy ball milling method, solvent-nonsolvent method, spray drying method, supercritical fluid method, etc. New preparation techniques include spray flashing, two-step method, self-assembly method, etc. In addition, it is one of the ways to combine various preparation processes to prepare nanocomposite energetic materials with superior performance. There are four main types of nano-composite energetic materials systems: (i) nano-composites dispersed in continuous medium by simple explosives/oxidants; (ii) metastable intermolecular complexes (MICs); (iii) carbon nanotube-based composites energetic materials; (iv) nano-porous silicon/oxidant composite energetic materials. According to the characteristics of the reactants of different composite systems, it is necessary to select suitable preparation techniques. At the same time, different composite systems also have their applicable application fields. In this paper, we introduce the preparation techniques, the composite system and its property of the nano-composite energetic materials in detail. The conventional preparation techniques and the novel preparation techniques of the nano-composite energetic material are described. At last, we summarize the composition characteristics and typical formulation properties of the four main compound systems.
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