Research Progress on Corrosion-Wear Behavior of Materials in Molten Aluminum
XIAO Huaqiang1, CHEN Yujia1, CHEN Weiping2, HE Jiarong1, ZHAO Sihao1
1 School of Mechanical Engineering, Guizhou University, Guiyang 550025, China; 2 Guangdong Key Laboratory for Advanced Metallic Materials Processing,South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510640, China
Abstract: In the field of metallurgical, chemical, aerospace and automotive, corrosion-wear damage to the key components used in high temperature corrosive environment under dynamic loading often results in tremendous economic losses. Many researches have focused on the accelerated degradation of materials in corrosive gas, solution or particle erosion conditions. However, the corrosion-wear behavior of materials in high temperature metal melt has been rarely reported, and the synergy mechanism between corrosion and wear is still inexplicit. Aluminum and its alloys are widely used in buildings, transportation, energy, aerospace, electronics and other areas. However, aluminum melt is one of the most corrosive metallic fluids. Some key parts in the production process of aluminum industry, such as metallurgy, forming and hot dip, are often damaged by corrosion and wear. At present, a large number of wear-resisting materials of high alloy, such as die steel, are still used, but they are costly and have a short service life. Production can only be maintained by frequent replacement of parts. Therefore, it is urgent to develop new liquid-aluminum-resistant corrosion and wear materials to meet the needs of aluminum industrial production and application. However, due to the particularity of high temperature metal melt as a corrosive medium, few studies have been reported on the corrosion behavior of high temperature metal melt. On the one hand, due to the lack of special equipment to test and characterize the corrosion and wear behaviors of materials. On the other hand, due to the complex metallurgical physical and chemical reactions at the corrosion interface, the interaction mechanism between corrosion and wear behaviors is still unclear. At present, for the studies of the material corrosion behavior and mechanism in the liquid aluminum are more, while that of the material corrosion and wear behavior in the liquid aluminum are few. Some researches focused on the erosion and wear behavior in aluminum alloy molten shaping process and material substitution. The study of material corrosion-wear mechanism in liquid aluminum is still in the blank. In the past two years, on the basis of developing a new corrosion and wear of high-temperature metal melt test system, the corrosion and wear behavior of materials in high-temperature aluminum liquid has been studied, and a large number of materials have been screened. It is found that the corrosion and wear resistance of the commonly used metal materials is depend on the formation rate and characterization of intermetallic compound layer, as well as the combination between the substrate and intermetallic zone. The amount of material erosion-wear loss is much larger than the sum of pure corrosion and pure wear material loss indicates that the corrosion-wear failure of material in aluminum liquid is not a simple superposition of corrosion and wear behavior, and the main failure mechanism lies in the synergy mechanism between corrosion and wear. For the commonly used H13 steel materials, the ratio of corrosion-wear interaction under typical working conditions is more than 90%. In the aspect of material development, data collecting is relied on single corrosion test or high temperature friction and wear test. The development of materials with excellent corrosion-wear resistance in molten aluminum mainly focus on three aspects: microstructure regulation of ferrous alloy, application of refractory metals and surface treatment technology. Intermetallic matrix composites developed in recent years have also opened up new ideas for the development of new materials with excellent corrosion-wear resistance in molten aluminum. This paper briefly introduces the corrosion and wear failure behavior of materials in aluminum liquid, and points out that the interaction between corrosion and wear is the key reason for the failure of materials or parts. On this basis, the performance requirements of materials with excellent corrosion-wear resistance in molten aluminum are put forward. Based on the review of the research progress, the paper puts forward the future development direction and research focus of these new materials.
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