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材料导报  2021, Vol. 35 Issue (17): 17136-17142
  材料与可持续发展(四)———材料再制造与废弃物料资源化利用* |
姚玉梅, 袁湘汝, 韩鲁佳, 杨增玲, 刘贤
中国农业大学工学院,北京 100083
Progress and Prospect of Materializing Utilization in Bone Waste Protein from Animal By-products
YAO Yumei, YUAN Xiangru, HAN Lujia, YANG Zengling, LIU Xian
College of Engineering, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100083, China
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摘要 作为畜禽屠宰的副产物,动物骨因其丰富的蛋白质和广阔的深加工利用的发展前景而成为当今环境、农业和能源等领域的研究热点。受自身骨骼结构和综合利用技术的制约,骨骼的深加工利用率不足2%,造成了严重的资源浪费与环境污染。蛋白水解作为蛋白质资源深加工领域最有效的技术手段,可实现大宗蛋白质资源的高效回收利用;而蛋白水解物优异的溶解性、可降解性、生物相容性和独特的生物功能活性使其具有开发高值材料的潜力。随着石化资源的短缺和人们健康环保意识的增强,人们对环保型可再生型新材料的需求逐渐迫切,而畜禽骨蛋白质材料的开发利用紧密结合国家新型战略产业——生物制造业,将促进农副产品加工业的持续健康发展。
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关键词:  畜禽骨蛋白质  蛋白质材料  高值转化  絮凝剂  粘结剂  可降解塑料  表面活性剂    
Abstract: As a by-product of animal slaughter, bone has become a hotspot in the fields of environment, agriculture, and energy. Animal bones have high protein content and broad prospects for deep processing. Constrained by their own structure and the technology of comprehensive utilization, the utilization rate of bones in deep processing is less than 2%, resulting in a serious waste of resources and environmental issues. Enzymatic proteolysis technology is an effective method for deep processing of protein resources, which can be used to change the structure and composition of bone proteins and achieve diversification of protein functions. The excellent solubility, degradability, biocompatibility, and unique biological functional activities of protein hydrolysates have the potential for the development of high-value materials. With the social and economic development and the enhancement of people’s environmental awareness, there is an urgent unmet need to develop new environmentally friendly and renewable materials. The research of animal bone protein materials was closely integrated with the biological manufacturing, thus promoting the sustainable and healthy development of the agricultural and sideline product processing industry.
The most widely used method of materialized utilization in animal bone waste protein is introduced, mainly including flocculants, adhesives, biodegradable plastic, surfactants, and medical materials, and the application effects and limitations of the 5 methods are summarized in this paper. Meanwhile, the results of empirical and theoretical research on the development of protein materials are clarified, which provided theoretical support for the development of new-type protein materials from animal bone. Finally, taking the development trend of compo-sites and difficulties of deep processing technology for bone resources into account, the potential applications of animal bone protein materials has been objectively prospected.
Key words:  animal bones protein    protein materials    high-value transformation    flocculant    adhesive    biodegradable plastics    surfactant
                    发布日期:  2021-09-26
ZTFLH:  TB33  
基金资助: 国家重点研发计划(2016YFE0112800);教育部创新团队发展计划项目(IRT-17R105)
作者简介:  姚玉梅,2014年6月毕业于青岛农业大学,获得工学学士学位。现为中国农业大学工学院博士研究生,在刘贤副教授的指导下进行研究。目前主要研究领域为蛋白基复合材料的制备与环境应用评估。
刘贤,中国农业大学工学院副教授、博士研究生导师,教育部“农业生物质利用的工程基础”创新团队、农业部“农业生物质工程”创新团队核心成员。2001年7月本科毕业于青岛农业大学机电工程学院;2006年7月在中国农业大学工学院农业工程专业获工学博士学位,并留校任职;2014—2015年于英国Harper Adams University获应用机电工程硕士学位。主要从事生物质工程方向的研究工作,研究农业生物质饲料化、能源化、材料高值转化利用技术。近年来,在农业生物质资源的开发与利用领域发表论文60余篇,包括Journal of Cleaner ProductionScience of the Total EnvironmentFood ChemistryBioresource TechnologyEnergyEnergy & FuelsWaste Management等。
姚玉梅, 袁湘汝, 韩鲁佳, 杨增玲, 刘贤. 畜禽骨蛋白质材料化利用的研究现状与发展趋势分析[J]. 材料导报, 2021, 35(17): 17136-17142.
YAO Yumei, YUAN Xiangru, HAN Lujia, YANG Zengling, LIU Xian. Progress and Prospect of Materializing Utilization in Bone Waste Protein from Animal By-products. Materials Reports, 2021, 35(17): 17136-17142.
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