Physicochemical Properties of Torrefied Biochar from Different Biomass Feedstock and Its Adsorption Performance for Methylene Blue
ZHENG Yunwu, TAO Lei, KANG Jia, HUANG Yuanbo, LIU Can, ZHENG Zhifeng
Key Laboratory for Biomass Chemical Refinery & Synthesis, Yunnan Province, College of Materials Science and Engineering, Southwest Forestry University, Kunming 650224
Abstract: Torrefied biochrs were produced from the pyrolysis of rubber seed shell, walnut, wood power as well as coconut shell respectively, at 300 ℃. The adsorbents of methylene blue (MB) aqueous solution by four biochars were investigated. The effect of MB of pH, contract time, initial solution concention and adsorbent dosage on the adsorption properties was also estimated. The kinetic data were analysised by the pseudo-first, second-order kinetic and intraparticle diffusion, and the equilibrium data were analyzed using the Langmuir and the Freundlich isotherms models. The results showed that:adsorption equilibrium was reached within 60 min at 298.15 K under the proper pH value between 8.0—12, and the adsorption capacity increasing with the rise of initial MB concentration. While, it was found that the adsorption kinetic followed the second-order mo-del. This suggested that the adsorption of MB by pyrocarbon was a chemisorptions process, and the intraparticle diffusion was not the primary rate-determining step. Besides, Langmuir and the Freundlich isotherms models were all fitting the equilibrium data. The thermodynamics properties showed that adsorption of four biomass was endothermic and spontaneous with the rise of the temperature, the adsorption degree of four biomass pyrocarbon were as followed:walnut shell>wood power>coconut shell>rubber seed shell
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ZHENG Yunwu, TAO Lei, KANG Jia, HUANG Yuanbo, LIU Can, ZHENG Zhifeng. Physicochemical Properties of Torrefied Biochar from Different Biomass Feedstock and Its Adsorption Performance for Methylene Blue. Materials Reports, 2019, 33(8): 1276-1284.
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