First Principles Study of the Structure and Stability of Lan(n=2—10) SmallClusters
WANG Chengmeng1, WANG Haiyan1,2, GAO Xueyun2, NIU Jianyu1, LIANG Mengfei1
1 School of Material and Metallurgy, Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology, Baotou 014010; 2 Key Laboratory of Integrated Exploitation of Bayan Obo Multi-Metal Resources, Baotou 014010
Abstract: Clusters represented the initial state of condensed matter, which was a special phase in the transition of various substances from atoms and molecules to bulk substances. Through the study of rare earth clusters, it was helpful to understand the morphology and mechanism of rare earth elements in matrix materials, so as to further understand the physical and chemical properties of atomic clusters, and provide theoretical support and predictability for the design and research of materials. In this paper, the general gradient approximation (GGA) in density functional theory was used to optimize the structure, analyze the energy and vibration frequency of Lan(n= 2—10) clusters, and obtained the lowest energy structure of La clusters. By calculating and analyzing the average binding energy, energy gap, dissociation energy, second-order energy diffe-rence and total density of states of the ground state structure, it was considered that the stability of the cluster is higher when the atomic number n was 2, 4, 6, or 8. A small decrease in the density of states at the Fermi surface led to the occurrence of this odd-even oscillation phenomenon.
王成猛, 王海燕, 高雪云, 牛建宇, 梁梦斐. 利用第一性原理研究Lan(n=2—10)小团簇的结构与稳定性[J]. 材料导报, 2019, 33(Z2): 222-225.
WANG Chengmeng, WANG Haiyan, GAO Xueyun, NIU Jianyu, LIANG Mengfei. First Principles Study of the Structure and Stability of Lan(n=2—10) SmallClusters. Materials Reports, 2019, 33(Z2): 222-225.
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