Abstract: In order to numerically investigate the hydration process and microstructure evolution of cement, a probabilistic model was established by using the hydration mechanism of cement and the random probability method. Based on this model, the hydration of cement and its microstructure evolution was simulated by means of random movement and collision reaction of particle pixel of each mineral phase. Then, the specimen of cement paste with water-cement ratios of 0.23, 0.35, and 0.53 were taken as research objects, and their hydration process and microstructure evolution were numerically simulated. Results show that, the water-cement ratio can significantly affect the hydration process of cement. At the same hydration time, the hydration degree of cement, porosity and pore connectivity have an obvious increase with the water-cement ratio. When the capillary pores in the microstructure of hardened cement paste are completely disconnected, the corresponding critical total porosity is about 20%.
易家俊, 左晓宝, 黎亮, 邹欲晓. 水泥水化过程的概率模型及其微结构演变的数值模拟[J]. 材料导报, 2023, 37(18): 22040014-7.
YI Jiajun, ZUO Xiaobao, LI Liang, ZOU Yuxiao. Probabilistic Model of Cement Hydration and Numerical Simulation on Its Microstructure Evolution. Materials Reports, 2023, 37(18): 22040014-7.
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