Interfacial Bond Performance Between Milling Steel Fiber and Ultra-high Performance Concrete
YANG Yibo1,2,*, XIA Yinggan2, LIU Shaokun2, XIAO Qifeng2, GUO Wenying2, WANG Hengchang2
1 State Key Laboratory of Subtropical Architectural Science, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510641, China 2 School of Civil Engineering and Transportation, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510641, China
Abstract: The excellent performance of ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC) mainly depends on the cooperative work between steel fiber and matrix. In order to study the applicability of milling steel fiber in UHPC, the bonding properties between milling steel fiber and UHPC was investigated by steel fibers pullout experiment. Meanwhile, copper coated microfilament steel fiber were used for comparison. The influence and mechanism of four factors (i.e., fiber buried depth, hooked-end, matrix fiber and curing system) on the bonding properties between milling steel fiber and UHPC were analyzed. The result of experiment indicated that the bonding strength of steel fibers (i.e., straight 'S', hooked-end 'H', milling straight 'MS' and milling ‘MH' steel fibers) in UHPC is in the order of H>MH>MS>S. With the increase of fiber buried depth, the bonding strength of S, H and MS steel fiber in UHPC decreases, and MH steel fiber increases by the contrary. The hooked-end is helpful to improve the bonding strength and pullout energy of steel fiber in UHPC, and affects the shape of pullout load-displacement curve. Adding 2vol% steel fiber into the matrix can also slightly improve the bonding strength and pullout energy of steel fiber in UHPC. The bonding strength with standard curing system is lower than that with steam curing system, but it also makes the pullout behavior of milling steel fiber more obvious and improves the pullout energy. The bonding strength between milling steel fiber and UHPC is high, but its low fiber tensile strength affects the bonding perfor-mance. It is suggested to develop high-strength milling steel fiber suitable for UHPC.
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