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材料导报  2023, Vol. 37 Issue (5): 21070056-9
  无机非金属及其复合材料 |
李双捷, 马昆林*, 龙广成, 谢友均, 曾晓辉
中南大学土木工程学院,长沙 410075
Self-Healing Performance of Mortar Crack Under Different Sustained Load and Its Evaluation Index
LI Shuangjie, MA Kunlin*, LONG Guangcheng, XIE Youjun, ZENG Xiaohui
School of Civil Engineering, Central South University, Changsha 410075, China
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摘要 以高吸水树脂为自修复剂,以表面裂缝愈合率(γ)和强度恢复率(η)为砂浆裂缝自修复性能的评价指标,对比研究了预裂龄期为7 d和28 d时,不同持续荷载作用对砂浆裂缝自修复性能的影响。结果表明:相较预裂龄期为28 d的砂浆组,预裂龄期为7 d的砂浆组自修复效果较好;持续压荷载下,砂浆裂缝的自修复效果较好,其η比不受荷载作用的试件分别增大3.2%(7 d预裂龄期)和9.3%(28 d预裂龄期);持续弯曲荷载和持续扭荷载作用不利于砂浆的自修复,其中持续弯曲荷载的不利影响较为显著,持续弯曲荷载作用下,其η比不受荷载作用的试件分别低 43.5%(7 d预裂龄期)和 47.3%(28 d预裂龄期)。微观测试表明,砂浆裂缝中的自修复产物主要是碳酸钙,且主要集中在裂缝开口位置附近,因此采用γ作为自修复评价指标有可能高估自修复效果。
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关键词:  砂浆  裂缝  自修复性能  表面裂缝愈合率  强度恢复率  持续荷载    
Abstract: In this work, the influence of different sustained loads on self-healing effectiveness of the mortar crack with the pre-cracking ages 7 d and 8 d were investigated by adding super absorbent polymer (SAP) into the mortar, prefabricating cracks on the mortar and taking the indexes of surface crack healing rate (γ) and strength recovery rate (η) to evaluate the self-healing effects of the mortar cracks. Results show that the self-healing effectiveness of the mortar crack with pre-cracking 7 d age are better than that of the mortar with pre-cracking 28 d age. Sustained compressive load is beneficial to the self-healing of mortar crack. The η of specimen with sustained compressive load is 3.2% (pre-cracked at 7 d) and 9.3% (pre-cracked at 28 d) higher than that of specimen without load, respectively. However, sustained flexural load and torque load take disadvantage of the self-healing of mortar crack. The η of specimen with sustained flexural load is 43.5% (pre-cracked at 7 d) and 47.3% (pre-cracked at 28 d) lower than that of the specimens without load. Microscopic tests show that the self-healing products in mortar cracks are mainly calcium carbonate, which mainly exists near the crack surface. Therefore, it is possible to overestimate the self-healing effectiveness by taking γ as a evaluation index.
Key words:  cement mortar    crack    self-healing effectiveness    closure rate of surface crack    recovery rate of strength    sustained load
出版日期:  2023-03-10      发布日期:  2023-03-14
ZTFLH:  TU528  
基金资助: 国家重点研发计划项目(2017YFB201204)
通讯作者:  *马昆林,中南大学土木工程学院教授。1999年于中南大学建筑工程专业取得学士学位,2005年于中南大学土木工程专业取得研究生学位,2009年于中南大学道路与铁道工程专业取得博士学位。主要从事智能道路、海绵城市、路面结构设计及损伤理论、固废资源化利用、高性能混凝土技术及高速铁路无砟轨道方面的研究和工程应用。发表学术论文100余篇,获专利授权10项,主编教材3部,出版专著1部,作为主要起草人编制规范4部。   
作者简介:  李双捷,2017年6月毕业于黑龙江科技大学,获得工学学士学位。现为中南大学土木工程学院硕士研究生,在马昆林教授的指导下进行研究。目前主要研究领域为水泥基自修复材料。
李双捷, 马昆林, 龙广成, 谢友均, 曾晓辉. 持续荷载作用下砂浆裂缝的自修复性能及其评价指标[J]. 材料导报, 2023, 37(5): 21070056-9.
LI Shuangjie, MA Kunlin, LONG Guangcheng, XIE Youjun, ZENG Xiaohui. Self-Healing Performance of Mortar Crack Under Different Sustained Load and Its Evaluation Index. Materials Reports, 2023, 37(5): 21070056-9.
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