Rapid Thermal Diffusion of Phosphorus in Amorphous Silicon Thin Films to Prepare Heterojunction with Intrinsic Thin-layer
YANG Xiuyu1, CHEN Nuofu1, ZHANG Hang1, TAO Quanli1, XU Jiaran1, CHEN Meng1, CHEN Jikun2
1 School of Renewable Energy, North China Electric Power University, Beijing 102206 2 School of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083
Abstract: Heterojunction with intrinsic thin-layer (HIT) solar cells have many advantages, such as high efficiency, low cost, good stability and low temperature of preparing. Using magnetron sputtering method, we prepared the intrinsic amorphous silicon film (i-a-Si) with a certain thickness on the substrate of P-type crystalline silicon (p-c-Si), then the doped amorphous silicon layer (n+-a-Si), which is also the ideal p-n junction, was obtained by the rapid thermal diffusion method (RTD). Finally, the heterostructure of n+-a-Si/i-a-Si/c-Si was prepared successfully. This paper focus on the effect of diffusion process on the crystallization of amorphous silicon film,including i-a-Si and n+-a-Si, and the depth of p-n junction. Meantime, we characterized the amorphous silicon film by Raman spectra and X-ray diffraction (XRD), and the depth of p-n junction was mea-sured by metallographic microscope with the lapping and staining method. As a result, the ideal temperature and time of diffusion to get better p-n junction was concluded.
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