Abstract: Micro-electro-mechanical system (MEMS) device is the developing goal of the electro-mechanical system in future. Vacuum packaging is ne-cessary for MEMS devices in most cases to minimize the residual gas. The quality of vacuum packaging affects the performance of MEMS devices even determine whether the device can work properly. The conventional packaging of MEMS device is conducted with bulk getters placed in vacuum cavity, which occupy valuable space and may produce tiny particle contamination in the cavity. While if a getter film is deposited in the cavity of the device, and the getter film can be activated when the device is bonded at high temperature, thus the vacuum degree of the cavity can be maintained. Particularly, non-evaporable getter films present excellent property at room temperature after thermal activation. The application of non-evaporable getter films in vacuum packaging of MEMS would contribute to extending the lifetime and improving reliability of MEMS. Currently, the research focus of non-evaporable getter films lies in improving the getter performance and reducing the activation temperature. In this article, mechanism of non-evaporable getter films is briefly introduced, and the research status at home and abroad is analyzed in terms of film materials and preparation techniques. In regard of film materials, the ternary alloys composed by IVB&VB element are usually used as film materials of non-evaporable getter. Besides, Doping Fe or rare-earth element in the alloy is a commonly adopted method to modify the film structure. It is worth mentioning that TiZrV is the best film material for non-evaporable getter, showing excellent getter property and the lowest activation temperature. The non-evaporable getter films for MEMS use usually were deposited by magnetron sputtering. In regard of preparation techniques, non-evapotranspiration getter films used in MEMS devices are generally prepared by magnetron sputtering. The objective of magnetron sputtering is to obtain the columnar and nano crystal structure, whose numerous grain boundary in the structure can promote the diffusion of atoms and reduce the activation temperature. The study of magnetron sputtering revolves around target selection, substrate temperature, sputtering voltage, sputtering gas. The key for the research of non-evapotranspiration getter films still lies exploring novel materials with better property and increasing the specific area of the films. Finally, promising research directions of non-evaporable getter films are predicted. It is pointed out that the bilayer films with adjusting layer exhibit better property than single layer, but the adjusting mechanism needs to be clarified. The future research can be carried out on the basis of the study of the TiZrV thin film. Furthermore, it is also possible to develop new film materials, like ZrCoRE and other new alloy films.
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