Abstract: The device structure of a near-infrared Mg2Si/Si heterojunction photodiode was designed, and its main parameters of the device such as spectral responsivity, dark current density were simulated using Silvaco-TCAD software. The simulation results show that the Mg2Si/Si pin heterojunction photodiode is more sensitive in the spectral range of 0.6—1.5 μm than Mg2Si/Si pn heterojunction photodiode. The peak wavelength of the photodiode is 1.11 μm and the maximum spectral responsivity is 0.742 A·W-1. The wavelength of 1.31 μm still has a good responsivity of up to 0.53 A·W-1. Dark current density of the pin photodiode is approximately 1×10-6 A·cm-2, which is slight bigger than that of the pn photodiode. The interface-state density of the Mg2Si/Si heterojunction should not exceed 1×1011 cm-2.
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