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材料导报  2018, Vol. 32 Issue (21): 3743-3753
  金属与金属基复合材料 |
安晓龙, 吕云卓, 覃作祥, 陆兴
大连交通大学材料科学与工程学院,大连 116028
Progress in Numerical Simulation of Laser 3D Printing of Metal by Coaxial Powder Feeding: Flow in Welding Pool, Composition Distribution and Tissue Growth
AN Xiaolong, LYU Yunzhuo, QIN Zuoxiang, LU Xing
School of Material Science and Engineering, Dalian Jiaotong University, Dalian 116028
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摘要 在“中国制造2025”、美国《国家先进制造战略计划》、欧洲航天局《惊奇计划》、日本《增材制造科研计划》、新加坡《工业增材制造项目》以及欧盟《3D打印标准化路线图》等全球新型制造技术迅猛发展的机遇下,金属激光3D打印融合了计算机辅助设计、材料加工与成形技术,以数字化模型文件为基础,通过软件与数控系统将特制材料逐层堆积固化,制造出实体产品,该技术日益成为国内外专家学者的研究热点。它与传统的对原材料进行切削、组装的加工模式不同,是通过材料累加的原理,从无到有地制造产品的新型技术工艺。也正是由于增材制造的这种技术特点,使得它受到全球的广泛关注,将可能会给传统的制造业带来一系列深刻的变革。其中同轴送粉式金属激光3D打印技术因具有成形尺寸大、可利用材料范围广、成形件的材料性能优异等特点,在航空航天、交通、医疗与能源等领域有着广阔的应用前景,成为金属增材制造主流的工艺技术。
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关键词:  同轴送粉3D打印  熔池流动  成分分布  数值模拟    
Abstract: In the exceptional historical opportunity of “Made in China 2025”, the “National Advanced Manufacturing Strategic Plan” of the United States, the “Amazing Plan” of European Space Agency, the Japanese “Additive Manufacturing Research Program”, the “Industrial Additive Manufacturing Project” in Singapore and the EU “3D Printing Standardization Roadmap”, the metal laser 3D printing has become the focus of research among scholars at home and abroad. Metal laser 3D printing is a technique that integrate computer-aided design, material processing and forming technology, and manufacture products by stacking and solidifying special materials through software and numerical control system based on the digital model files. Different from traditional machining mode of cutting and assembling raw materials, it is a innovative technique that manufacture products from scratch based on the materials accumulation principle. Just because of the technological characteristics of addictive manufacturing, it has attracted worldwide attention, and will evoke a series of profound changes to the traditional manufacturing industry.The coaxial powder feeding type me-tal laser 3D printing technique possesses broad application prospects in the field of aviation, aerospace, transportation, medical treatment and energy, because of its large forming size, wide range of available materials and excellent material properties of shaped parts, which has become the main stream technology of additive manufacturing.
There are complex dynamic physical metallurgical processesincluding heat transfer, convection, mass transfer, gas-liquid interface metallurgy and solid-liquid interface diffusion in the 3D printing pool. The fluid dynamic behavior of the weld pool directly affects the homogeneity and compactness of the material structure. Therefore, there still exist several key problems to be figured out in me-tal laser 3D printing, which are the simulation of the fluid dynamic process of the weld pool by fluid mechanics, establishment of three-dimensional unsteady model of the temperature and flow field of the weld pool, the influence of buoyancy, surface tension, powder impact force on the temperature field, velocity field and molten pool shape of 3D printing.
Numerical simulation is one of the important methods to study the dynamic processin the welding pool of co-axial powder feeding metal laser 3D printing. At present, research on the numerical simulations of coaxial powder laser metal 3D printing and laser wel-ding have included more comprehensive multiscale numerical models, such as light-powder coupling numerical model of molten pool, the interface tracing model of gas-liquid interface and solid-liquid mixed zone in molten pool, the temperature field and fluid flow analysis model of instantaneous variation of molten pool, the mesoscopic model for the distribution of alloying elements in the molten pool and the model for the morphology of the molten pool and the cellular automata for microstructure solidification based on the phase field method.
This article mainly elaborates the domestic and international researches on simulation of the coaxial powder metal laser 3D prin-ting, which mainly focus on the analysis of thermal field and flow field with instantaneous variations in the molten pool, the distribution process of the alloying elements, the morphology of the molten pool and solidification of the microstructure during the 3D prin-ting process. Owing to the universal applicability of numerical simulation method and in order to introduce the numerical simulation methods related to coaxial powder feeding metal laser 3D printing technique in a more comprehensive manner, this article also involves a small amount of numerical simulation about coaxial powder laser cladding and laser arc welding.
Key words:  coaxial powder feeding 3D printing    molten pool flow    composition distribution    numerical simulation
                    发布日期:  2018-11-21
ZTFLH:  TG495  
基金资助: 国家自然科学基金(51671043; 51401041; 51671042)
作者简介:  安晓龙:男,1993年生,硕士研究生,主要研究方向为镍基材料LMD工艺制造以及数值模拟;吕云卓:男,1985年生,博士,副教授,主要研究方向为激光3D打印非晶态合金;陆兴:通信作者,男,1963年生,博士,教授,主要研究方向为激光3D打印难熔合金
安晓龙, 吕云卓, 覃作祥, 陆兴. 同轴送粉金属激光3D打印熔池流动、成分分布以及组织生长数值模拟的研究进展[J]. 材料导报, 2018, 32(21): 3743-3753.
AN Xiaolong, LYU Yunzhuo, QIN Zuoxiang, LU Xing. Progress in Numerical Simulation of Laser 3D Printing of Metal by Coaxial Powder Feeding: Flow in Welding Pool, Composition Distribution and Tissue Growth. Materials Reports, 2018, 32(21): 3743-3753.
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