WANG Songlin1, XU Xiangqi1, CHEN Zipan1, Meng Guangyao2
1 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Tongling University, Tongling 244061; 2 Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230026
Abstract: Using EDTA-pechini process to synthesize the primary powder, novel binary rare earth interconnect materials (Pr0.5Nd0.5)0.7Sr0.3CrO3-δ (PNSC) and (Pr0.5Nd0.5)0.7Ca0.3CrO3-δ (PNCC) for solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) were successfully prepared after sintering at 1 400 ℃ in air. The particle size distribution, sintering shrinkage, structure, morphologies, electrical conductivity and thermal expansion were characterized by laser particulate size description analyzer, thermal expansion dilatometer, X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and standard DC four-probe technique. The results indicate that PNCC has higher sintering ability than PNSC. The sintering shrinkage of PNCC mostly happens at the temperature range of 900 ℃ to 1 030 ℃, while the shrinkage of PNSC happens only above 1 250 ℃. The PNCC sample has a high relative density of 97.2% after sintered at 1 400 ℃ for 4 h, however, the PNSC sample only has a lower relative density of 76.5%. The obvious different sintering ability may relate to the second phases of CaCrO4 or SrCrO4, which appears during the sintering process of PNCC or PNSC. The electrical conductivities of PNSC and PNCC can reach up to 50.4 S·cm-1 and 40.9 S·cm-1, respectively, at 850 ℃ in air, and they both obey the theory of small polaron conduction. The thermal expansion coefficient (TEC) value of PNCC is 9.8×10-6 K-1, very close to that of YSZ. These investigations have indicated that PNCC, better than PNSC, is a promising interconnect material for SOFCs.
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