Research Status of Cu-Ag Alloy In-situ Filamentary Composites
HE Qinsheng1,2, ZOU Xingzheng1,2, LI Fang1,2, TANG Rui1,2, ZHAO Anzhong1,2, TIAN Shilong3
1 Chongqing Materials Research Institute Co., Ltd., Chongqing 400707; 2 National Instrument Functional Materials Engineering Technical Research Center, Chongqing 400707; 3 School of Metallurgy and Material Engineering, Chongqing University of Science and Technology, Chongqing 401331
Abstract: A magnet coil can produce strong magnetic field, under which the research of condensed matter physics, materials science, chemistry and bioscience can be carried out. High magnetic field technology, especially pulsed high magnetic field technology, requires materials with high thermal conductivity, high conductivity and high strength to serve as coils, and Cu-Ag alloy in-situ filamentary composites emerged with a retrospection back to 1960s or 1970s. It is a nanocrystalline dual phase composite material which shows higher strength and thermal stability than single-phase material, and also has strong conductivity. After half a century of development, it has found wide application in frame materials, contact lines, and joints, etc. The Ag content of Cu-Ag alloy in situ filamentary composites has been decreased from 80wt% initially to 10wt%—30wt%, which fully controls the cost, and the compo-sites still maintain considerable electrical and mechanical properties. In the meantime, the effects of structure and morphology evolution during severe plastic deformation, phase interface, phase spacing and phase size on the composites’ performance have been stu-died in detail, and appropriate heat treatment technique has been established which could solve the problem of mutual exclusive between high conductivity and high strength. In order to further improve the comprehensive properties such as strength and plasticity, researchers also made attempts and achievements in adding third or even fourth microalloying elements such as Cr, Nb, Zr, Y, Gd and Ce to simultaneously substitute for Ag and produce more beneficial effects. However, there are still some shortcomings in the early research: Ⅰ. the lack of more in-depth research from a more microsco-pic view; Ⅱ. relatively complex and time-consuming procedure for the traditional multi-pass plastic processing; Ⅲ. not universally applicable theoretical model for performance prediction. Therefore, in the past seven years, apart from the comprehensive study of the drawing, rolling and heat treatment, the research is mainly concentrated upon performance changes induced by directional solidification under magnetic field, severe plastic deformation, lower Ag content and other alloying elements, as well as the adoption of more advanced analysis and characterization techniques. It has been found that directional solidification can change the growth mode of crystals, adjust the size and spacing of dendrite and the volume fraction of eutectic structure, and consequently further improve the performance. Equal channel angular pressing (ECAP), high-pressure torsion (HPT) and other techniques of severe plastic deformation also have been applied to Cu-Ag alloy, which resulted in more refined grains and more favorable comprehensive properties. This opens up an approach to the short-process fabrication of Cu-Ag in-situ filamentary composites. Those considerable achievements enable Ag content to be reduced to less than 10wt%, which has been successfully applied to high magnetic field generation in Japan. And moreover, from a more microscopic view (such as molecular- or even atomic-scale), researchers also have revealed the mechanism of formation and evolution of dislocation, twinning and texture in the preparation process. Focusing on the matching relationship between strength and conductivity of Cu-Ag in-situ filamentary composites, this paper reviews the research status in this field, and discusses the development prospect and the existing problems.
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