Abstract: SiC single crystal materials, a typical representative of the third generation wide band-gap semiconductor materials, are widely used in military, nuclear energy and electronic applications due to their high strength, good chemical stability and strong anti-interference ability. However, residual stress often exists in the process of preparation, processing and use of SiC single crystal, which seriously affects the quality and service life of single crystal materials. In order to evaluate crystal quality, reliability and material life precisely, it is necessary to study the stress measurement and distribution of single crystal materials. In this paper, the source of residual stress in SiC single crystal is analyzed, the research status of stress detection technology for single crystal materials is reviewed and the developing trend of stress detection for SiC single crystal material are also discussed.
邓亚, 张宇民, 周玉锋, 王伟. 碳化硅单晶材料残余应力检测技术研究进展[J]. 材料导报, 2019, 33(Z2): 206-209.
DENG Ya, ZHANG Yumin, ZHOU Yufeng, WANG Wei. Research Progress on Measurement of Residual Stress inSiC Single Crystal Materials. Materials Reports, 2019, 33(Z2): 206-209.
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