Review of Prediction Methods for the Hygric Properties of Porous Media
HUANG Xianqi1,2, LI Xiaolong1,2, FENG Chi1,2,*
1 School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400045, China 2 Key Laboratory of New Technology for Construction of Cities in Mountain Area, Ministry of Education, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400045, China
Abstract: The hygric properties of porous building materials are indispensable in the analysis of heat and moisture transfer in building envelopes. Since the 1980s, European and American countries have carried out a number of large-scale test projects for the hygric properties of typical buil-ding materials. These projects established basic databases covering hundreds of building materials' hygric properties. Chinese scholars began to study the hygric properties of porous building materials in the 1960s, but further exploration is still needed. In recent years, the research of buil-ding materials' hygric properties has been actively carried out by Chinese scholars and noticeable progress has been made. Due to the differences in raw materials and manufacturing processes, the international databases are not fully applicable in China. Therefore, it is necessary to establish an independent, complete and reliable database for typical building materials in China. In order to obtain the hygric properties, the most commonly used method is through experiments. Some test methods, however, are time and energy consuming. For example, it may take months or even years to complete the measurement on sorption isotherms. The operation process of pressure plate test is complex and requires high accuracy in pressure control. Meanwhile, the X-ray or nuclear magnetic resonance instrument used to test the liquid diffusivity is expensive and not suitable for laboratory popularization. Similar to most building materials, soil, fiber, rock and food are all porous media, and their hygric properties are the key parameters to study the storage and transfer of moisture. For example, the water retention curve is a necessary index for studying dryland soil; diffusivity is an important parameter for evaluating the thermal comfort of fabrics; permeability affects the efficiency of oil extraction; and sorption isotherms determine the preservation time of food. In order to quickly and accurately obtain their hygric properties, scholars have carried out a lot of research on the method of using known physical properties to predict the unknown hygric properties of soil, fiber, rock and food. This paper reviews the prediction methods for the hygric properties of such porous media, summarizes their pros and cons, and discusses their application possibility on porous building materials. The target is to combine experiments with prediction methods, in order to effectively obtain the hygric properties of porous building materials.
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