Abstract: Ni-based single crystal superalloys have long been the candidate materials for applications in the critical components of the gas turbine engines due to their superior composition compatibility, microstructural stability, and creep, fatigue, oxidation, corrosion resistances. The inhibition of dislocation motion by γ′ precipitates is one of the main strengthening effects of nickel-based superalloys. In general, this hindrance is related not only to the morphology, volume fraction and size of γ′ precipitates, but also to the interaction of γ′ precipitates and dislocation. Usually this inte-raction mechanism can be divided into three types: shearing mechanism, Orowan looping mechanism and thermal activation climbing mechanism. When different types of dislocations cut the γ′ phase, different high-energy defects are formed in the γ′ phase, which can hinder creep and fatigue. Examples of these structural and chemical defects include antiphase boundaries (APB), complex stacking faults (CSF), superlattice intrinsic stacking faults (SISF), superlattice extrinsic stacking faults (SESF) and micro-twins. Micro-twinning is an important deformation mechanism in nickel-based superalloys. It mainly occurs under medium-temperature and high-stress conditions. In addition, during the mid-temperature tensile deformation, micro twinning occurs. Early studies have shown that the appearance of micro-twins is related to the superlattice extrinsic stacking faults (SESF), which is produced by a/3〈112〉 superlattice partial dislocations and can be considered as “embryonic twin”. Subsequently, the reordering mechanism based on the short-range diffusion of solute atoms is used to explain the formation of micro-twins. Firstly, the a/6〈112〉 partial dislocation cut into the γ′ phase to produce complex stacking faults (CSF), and then the complex stacking faults are transformed to SESF by atomic rearrangement. Finally, micro-twins are eventually formed. Recent studies have shown that in the process of micro-twinning, the long-range diffusion of critical elements such as Cr and Co could occur under the collective effect of composition segregation and Cottrell atmospheres. Therefore, some scholars have pointed out that the formation of micro-twins require the long-range diffusion of critical elements, along with the short-range reordering. Moreover, some researchers are not limited to the study of forming mechanism of the micro-twin mechanism of superalloys, but have further understanding of the growth mechanism of micro-twin. The coherent nano-twin boundaries, as a special defect in the metal material, can effectively hinder the dislocation motion and strengthen the material. And this strengthening method has been applied in nano-copper, TWIP steel and TiAl alloy. The researchers found that twins can strengthen solid solution-strengthened nickel alloys. At the same time, some scholars have given a clear TEM image, clearly indicating that the micro-twins hinder the movement of dislocations, and pointed out that the introduction of micro twins can be used as a new way to design and strengthen superalloys. Therefore, micro-twinning is expected to be a method of strengthening nickel-based superalloys. In this paper, the development and evolution of micro-twin deformation mechanism are summarized, and the roles of partial dislocations, superlattice intrinsic stacking fault (SISF), superlattice extrinsic stacking faults (SESF), complex stacking faults (CSF), elemental segregation and Cottrell atmospheres are analyzed in micro-twinning, then also the role of the segregation at twin interface in twin growth is explained. Moreover, the role of twins in alloy strengthening is reviewed, and the problems existing in the strengthening of superalloys by micro-twinning are pointed out. Finally, the application of micro twins in reinforcing superalloys is prospected, and a reference is provided for the study of the deformation mechanism at medium-temperature and the twinned reinforced mechanism.
屈鹏飞, 杨文超, 岳全召, 曹凯莉, 刘林. 镍基高温合金微孪晶形成机制的研究进展[J]. 材料导报, 2019, 33(23): 3971-3978.
QU Pengfei, YANG Wenchao, YUE Quanzhao, CAO Kaili, LIU Lin. The Research and Development of Micro-Twinning Formation Mechanism inNickel-based Superalloys. Materials Reports, 2019, 33(23): 3971-3978.
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