Research Status and Development Trend of Sn-Cu Lead-free Solders
ZHAO Meng1, ZHANG Liang1,2, XIONG Mingyue1
1.School of Mechatronic Engineering, Jiangsu Normal University, Xuzhou 221116 2.Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenyang 110016
Abstract: The traditional Sn-Pb solder was widely used in electronic packaging because of its low melting point, low cost and good wettability. However, due to the toxicity of lead various countries and regions have introduced laws to restrict or prohibit the use of lead, so the lead-free solders which were expected to replace the Sn-Pb solder have become an important research topic in the field of electronic packaging. Among many tin-based lead-free solders, Sn-Cu lead-free solders attract much attention because of the competitive prices. However, the disadvantages of Sn-Cu solders are obvious, such as the high melting temperature, poor wettability and so on. At present, researchers have studied the modification of Sn-Cu lead-free solder by alloying, particle strengthening and other methods, and have made abundant achievements, for example, adding alloying elements such as Ag, Ni, In, Ce, Er, Fe, Co, rare earth elements, nanoparticles can effectively improve the comprehensive properties of the solder alloy, the use of hydrogenated rosin-based flux can greatly improve the wettability of Sn-Cu solder, and the control of solidification parameters of solder joints can effectively refine the microstructure of Sn-Cu solder. A series of research results can provide important data reference for further research of lead-free solder. However, the development of lead-free solder mainly focuses on the properties of solder itself, and the reliability evaluation of solder joints formed after soldering is relatively insufficient. The investigation status of Sn-Cu lead-free solders in recent years are reviewed comprehensively. The influence of alloying, particle strengthening and optimization of brazing process parameters on the evolution of the internal microstructure of the solder joints are expounded from the microstructure and interfacial microstructure of solder joints. In view of the development of the matching flux and the study of the reliability of solder joints, the research results of the modification of the solders are discussed. Finally, the problems and difficulty in the research procedure of lead-free solder are analyzed and some suggestions have been introduced. The development of Sn-Cu lead-free solders is prospected, which may provide a theoretical basis for future research of novel lead-free solders.
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