Abstract: Alkali activated slag (AAS) foam concrete with dry density of 350 kg/m3 was prepared with water glass activated slag cement. To increase the toughness and decrease the drying shrinkage of AAS foam concrete, the effect of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) fiber content on the dry density, strength, water absorption and drying shrinkage of AAS foam concrete were tested in this paper. The results indicated that PVA fiber had little influence on the dry density of AAS foam concrete. When the PVA fiber content ranged between 0.6—1.2 kg/m3, it increased the flexural strength and flexural-compressive ratio of AAS foam concrete,which mean the toughness of AAS foam concrete increased. Adding PVA fiber decreased the water absorption rate of AAS foam concrete. When the PVA fiber content was higher than 0.6 kg/m3, the drying shrinkage of AAS foam concrete decreased with the increase of fiber content. Considering the properties of AAS foam concrete and economic efficiency in this research condition, the optimal content of PVA fiber in AAS foam concrete was 0.6 kg/m3.
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