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材料导报  2022, Vol. 36 Issue (2): 21100169-9
  金属与金属基复合材料 |
周桂娟1, 童志1, 陈晓华2, 郑文跃1,2, 熊道英3, 王艳林4
1 北京科技大学国家材料服役安全科学中心,北京 100083
2 北京科技大学新金属材料国家重点实验室,北京 100083
3 国家石油天然气管网集团有限公司华南分公司,广州 510620
4 北京科技大学材料科学与工程学院,北京 100083
A Review on the Welding of X80 Pipeline Steel and Factors Affecting Weld Cracking
ZHOU Guijuan1, TONG Zhi1, CHEN Xiaohua2, ZHENG Wenyue1,2, XIONG Daoying3, WANG Yanlin4
1 National Center for Materials Service Safety, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083, China
2 State Key Laboratory for Advanced Metals and Materials, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083, China
3 South China Branch of National Oil & Gas Piping Network Corporation, Guangzhou 510620, China
4 School of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083, China
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摘要 为了提升油气运输的经济性,保证油气运输管道系统可靠性,管道工程不断向着高强度、高韧性、大管径的趋势发展。其中X80管线钢在新型高级别管线钢中应用最广,但由于近几年涉及环焊缝的失效事故,环焊缝的服役安全问题备受关注,有关X80管线钢焊接接头组织性能以及接头裂纹产生原因的探究也日趋深入。本文分析和总结了国内外X80管线钢基材制备工艺和显微组织、相关焊接接头组织性能和开裂机制等方面的研究成果,探究了X80钢裂纹产生的原因。环焊缝开裂主要是焊口组织、残余应力和氢效应等因素共同作用的结果。影响氢致开裂的主要因素及相关规律可总结为:(1)焊接热输入量直接影响接头质量;(2)热影响区晶粒大小,粗大的晶粒会导致热影响区局部软化;(3)X80管线钢强度高,与低级别管线钢(<X70级别)相比具有更强的冷裂倾向,焊后热处理能够有效抑制氢致裂纹;(4)夹杂物界面、铁素体与M-A岛界面以及M-A岛内部界面都是裂纹形核的位置。为提升管道的抗氢脆性能,提出了以下建议:一方面可以通过控制合金成分和调整工艺增加氢陷阱数,使氢在管线钢中均匀分布,同时细化组织;另一方面可通过选择合适的焊接方法,优化焊接工艺参数以提高焊接接头的抗氢脆性能。
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关键词:  X80管线钢  控轧控冷(TMCP)  焊接  裂纹  氢脆    
Abstract: Pipeline construction is constantly developing towards higher strength, higher toughness and larger-diameter in order to improve the economy of oil and gas transportation, to ensure the reliability of the oil and gas transportation pipeline system. X80 is the most widely used high-grade pipeline steels. The safety issues related to the girth welds are receiving more and more attention due to the failure accidents involved girth welds in recent years. Research on the microstructure and properties of X80 pipeline steel welded joints and the causes of joint cracks has also been intensified. This article analyzes the research results about the microstructure and properties of X80 pipeline steel welded joints, summarizes the relevant cracking mechanisms performance methods and preparation process for reference in related research or engineering applications. Girth welds cracking is the results of a combination of factors such as microstructure, stress, and hydrogen. The factors affecting hydrogen-induced cracking and related law can be summarized as follows: (1) heat input affects the quality of the welded joint directly; (2) coarse structure of the heat-affected zone is prone to local softening; (3) X80 pipeline steel has a tendency to crack than X70 great and lower great due to the martensitic in the heat-affected zone, post heat treatment is beneficial to suppress hydrogen-induced cracking; (4) the location of crack nucleation: the interface of inclusions, the interface between ferrite and M-A island and internal of M-A island. We suggest in the paper two countermeasures against hydrogen embrittlement, one is controlling the element composition and content, while the other is applying appropriate welding method & optimizing welding parameters.
Key words:  X80 pipeline steels    thermo-mechanical controlled processing (TMCP)    welding    cracking    hydrogen embrittlement
出版日期:  2022-01-25      发布日期:  2022-01-26
ZTFLH:  TE832  
基金资助: 北京市科技计划项目(Z201100004520011);国家自然科学面上基金(52071012)
作者简介:  周桂娟,2010年毕业于哈尔滨工程大学,获得工学学士学位。2013年获得哈尔滨工程大学工学硕士学位,现为北京科技大学材料服役安全科学中心博士研究生,在郑文跃教授指导下进行研究。主要研究方向为管线钢的焊接及氢致裂纹。陈晓华,北京科技大学新金属材料国家重点实验室副教授。1992年毕业于哈尔滨工业大学,2009年获得北京科技大学博士学位。中国材料研究学会金属间化合物与非晶分会科普委员。曾以于美国佐治亚理工学院访学。目前主要研究方向为纳米结构的金属材料、高熵合金、非晶合金和利用聚焦离子束进行微/纳米加工和三维重建。发表SCI、EI期刊论文及会议论文80余篇,申请专利20余项。郑文跃,国家特聘专家,北京科技大学杰出学者,国家材料服役安全科学中心教授、博导。1983年毕业于北京钢铁学院,1988年获得英国曼彻斯特大学博士学位。新金属材料国家重点实验室客座教授、CSTM标准委员会材料服役标准分委会会员。曾多年就职加拿大自然资源部, 先后担任焊接与服役完整性室主任、能源材料总监。曾任ISO TC156/SC1全生命周期腐蚀控制标准委员会委员及立项负责人。目前主要研究方向为金属开裂与材料的环境损伤、高温高腐蚀性环境金属结构及涂层的设计、能源装备中材料的服役性能及先进钢材在油气行业的应用。发表学术专著5部,SCI、EI期刊论文及会议论文100余篇,非公开的商业报告30余篇。
周桂娟, 童志, 陈晓华, 郑文跃, 熊道英, 王艳林. X80管线钢焊接与焊缝开裂影响因素研究进展[J]. 材料导报, 2022, 36(2): 21100169-9.
ZHOU Guijuan, TONG Zhi, CHEN Xiaohua, ZHENG Wenyue, XIONG Daoying, WANG Yanlin. A Review on the Welding of X80 Pipeline Steel and Factors Affecting Weld Cracking. Materials Reports, 2022, 36(2): 21100169-9.
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