Research Progress of Geopolymer Cementitious Material Modification for Improving Durability of Concrete
WANG Aiguo1, ZHENG Yi1, ZHANG Zuhua2, LIU Kaiwei1, MA Rui1, SUN Daosheng1
1.Anhui Key Laboratory of Advanced Building Materials, Anhui Jianzhu University, Hefei 230022 2.Key Laboratory for Green & Advanced Civil Engineering Materials and Application Technology of Hunan Province, College of Civil Engineering, Hunan University, Changsha 410082
Abstract: Geopolymers belong to the family of cementitious materials that are formed by reaction between solids with pozzolanic activity or hydraulicity potential and alkaline activator. In the past years extensive researches have shown the advantages over traditional Portland cement-based materials in the following aspects: mechanical properties, high temperature stability, sulfate resistance and corrosion resistance. However, some technical problems still remain, including low carbonization resistance and large drying shrinkage, limiting the application in construction engineering. Geopolymers have large volume shrinkage during geopolymerization, and are prone to form microcracks, which become channels for outside ions, thus reduce impermeability and durability of geopolymer. During carbonization, CO2 dissolved in pore solution and reacts with alkali activated slag (AAS) product C-(A)-S-H gels to form CaCO3, which can destroy the structure of geopolymer product. N-A-S-H gels are the main products of fly ash-based geopolymer which have no decalcification reaction during carbonization. Carbonization lower the pH of pore solution, and change the stable environment of products. From the perspectives of composition and structure modification, this paper reviews the latest research progresses of using MgO, LDHs, nanoparticles and improved curing methods, and clarifies the mechanisms of modification of geopolymer gelling materials to improve concrete durability. MgO reacts with water to form expansion component Mg(OH)2, which can effectively compensate geopolymer drying shrinkage and self-shrinkage. Moreover, MgO participate in geopolymerization to produce hydrotalcite, which improves the carbonization resistance. LDHs have interlayer ion exchange ability and the replacement between outside and inside ions reduces the attack of erosive ions on geopolymer. Nanoparticles have nucleation and particle filling functions, refining the pore structure of geopolymer. Silica-alumina nanoparticles also participate in geopolyme-rization and facilitate a more compact structure. High temperature (autoclave) curing can promote geopolymerization, improve the pore structure, reduce the generation of microcracks and the permeability of geopolymer.
作者简介: 王爱国,安徽建筑大学,副教授,硕士研究生导师。2010年毕业于南京工业大学,获材料学博士学位。2017年于澳大利亚University of Southern Queensland, Centre for Future Materials作访问学者。主持和参与国家自然科学基金项目、安徽省高校自然科学研究重点研究项目、高性能土木工程材料国家重点实验室开放课题和材料化学工程国家重点实验室开放课题等省部级以上项目10项。Construction and Building Materials、Cement and Concrete Composites、《材料导报》《硅酸盐通报》等学术期刊审稿人,中国建筑学会建筑材料分会化学激发胶凝材料专业委员会委员。主要研究方向为高性能水泥基材料/建筑功能材料/固体废弃物综合利用。 张祖华,湖南大学土木工程学院教授,博导。2006年本科毕业于南京工业大学无机非金属专业,2014年博士毕业于南昆士兰大学。2014年起历任南昆士兰大学研究员、高级研究员。2017年获第十三批“千人计划”青年项目资助。研究领域为低碳混凝土材料制备、固体废弃物资源化和特种功能混凝土。在碱激发水泥领域提出了粉煤灰活性指数和风化潜力的概念及其定量表征方法,在2017年第三届国际化学激发材料会议上获得“杰出青年研究员”奖。Composites Part B: Engineering Journal编委,Journal of Sustainable Cement-Based Materials执行主编,Materials Frontier-Structure副主编。
王爱国,郑毅,张祖华,刘开伟,马瑞,孙道胜. 地聚物胶凝材料改性提高混凝土耐久性的研究进展[J]. 材料导报, 2019, 33(15): 2552-2560.
WANG Aiguo, ZHENG Yi, ZHANG Zuhua, LIU Kaiwei, MA Rui, SUN Daosheng. Research Progress of Geopolymer Cementitious Material Modification for Improving Durability of Concrete. Materials Reports, 2019, 33(15): 2552-2560.
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