Effect of Micro-tension on Interfacial Composite Quality and Atomic Diffusion of Stainless/Carbon Steel
LIU Xin1, SHUAI Meirong1,*, LI Haibin1, XIE Guangming2, CHANG Binbin1, LI Liang1
1 Engineering Research Center of Heavy Machinery Ministry of Education,Taiyuan University of Science and Technology,Taiyuan 030024,China 2 State Key Laboratory of Rolling and Automation,Northeastern University,Shenyang,110004,China
Abstract: With the advance of industrial process of the green and sustainable feature and the transfer of human resources development to sea engineering,the market demand for corrosion-resistant steel bars is gradually increasing. In this work,the continuous rolling models of four passes for stainless/carbon steel were established by finite element simulation. The effect of different rolling conditions on the wall thickness uniformity of the coating metal and the interface cavity were deeply analyzed. The interface models under COMPASS force field by loading the tensile stress were employed to explore the diffusion mechanism of interface atoms. The results from macro and micro simulation show that the micro-tension rolling can promote the formation of cavity in the bimetal interface. However,it is positive to significantly restrain the appearance of ‘ear' defects during the rolling process. The increase of tensile stress (micro-tension) could effectively promote the interface slip along the (111) crystal plane,which produces a high and consistent order of the interface structure. The experimental results from micro-structure indicate that the transitions of metallic elements are gentle,and metal impurities as well as holes disappear. The interface is starting towards integration under the action of high temperature,high pressure and micro- tension. There is a large number of ferrite grains in the near interface area. The closer the interface,the less the content of pearlite,and the carburizing action is obvious during this process. This research helps to reveal the flow law of metals and the migration mechanism of interface atoms during the composite process of dissimilar metals,which would provide the theoretical foundation for optimizing the process.
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