Smart Self-healing Coatings Based on Corrosion Inhibitor Micro-/Nano-containers: a Review
WEI Yuankun1,2, ZHANG You1,*, ZHANG Zheng1, WANG Juping1, CHEN Fei1,3
1 College of New Materials and Chemical Engineering, Beijing Institute of Petrochemical Technology, Beijing 102617, China 2 Department of Safety Engineering, Beijing Institute of Petrochemical Technology, Beijing 102617, China 3 Beijing Key Laboratory of Special Elastomeric Composite Materials, Beijing 102617, China
Abstract: Surface coating technologies are essential for corrosion protection. However, the application of passive protection coatings is limited under severe service conditions. Therefore, self-healing corrosion protection coatings are developed to meet specific industrial requirements, owing to their ability to independently, intelligently repair coating defects in response to changing environmental conditions. Self-healing coatings possess both active and passive protective abilities that effectively contribute to prolonging the service life of metal substrates (steel, magnesium, aluminum, and their alloys). This article covers the recent achievements in developing micro-/nano-containers for application in self-healing corrosion protection coatings. A wide variety of micro-/nano-containers with storage or release abilities for corrosion inhibitors has been employed in self-healing corrosion protection coatings. Micro-/nano-containers include inorganic ones, such as mesoporous nanoparticles (e.g., silica and titanium dioxide), inorganic clays (e.g., kaolinite, hydrotalcite, and zeolite), organic ones (e.g., polymer microcapsule, nanofiber, chitosan, and cyclodextrin), and carbon materials (e.g., carbon nanotube and graphene), as well as their diverse combinations. This article comprehensively summarizes the performance advantages and drawbacks of micro-/nano-containers. Finally, the existing problems and future developments of the smart self-healing coatings based on corrosion inhibitor micro-/nano-containers are also reviewed.
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