Structure Analysis on Hydration Products of Ultra-fine Fly Ash Activated by Weak Alkali
SU Ying1,2, QIU Huiqiong1, HE Xingyang1,2 ,YANG Jin1,2, WANG Yingbin1,2, ZENG Sanhai1,2, Bohumír Strnadel1,3
1 College of Civil Construction and Environment, Hubei University of Technology, Wuhan 430068; 2 Hubei Province Building Waterproof Engineering Research Center, Hubei University of Technology, Wuhan 430068; 3 Centre of Advanced and Innovation Technologies, Faculty of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering, V?B-Technical University of Ostrava,Ostrava-Poruba 70833, Czech Republic
Abstract: Mechanochemistry can enhance the activity of ultra-fine fly ash and endows it with better activation potential in weak alkalis. The impact of calcium carbide slag on the activation products of ultra-fine fly ash (D50=2.5 μm) was studied, and the activation products of sodium hydroxide were taken into comparison. Specifically, the phase composition of hydration products of the fly ash activated by different matters, the dissolution characteristics of ions in the system and the variation of the polymerization degree of the glass phase in the fly ash were tested and analyzed by means of XRD, TEM, ICP and NMR. It could be found from the results that early hydration reaction of ultra-fine fly ash had occurred in the wet grinding process (6 h), reflected by obvious product peaks of ettringite and hydrocalumite (Ca2Al(OH)7·3H2O) in XRD patterns. The results of XRD, TEM and ICP analyses indicated the increase in diversity of the hydration products of ultra-fine fly ash activated by calcium carbide slag, as well as the dense structure of the products. Under the activation of NaOH, zeolites products were generated from ultra-fine fly ash, accompanied by less ettringite hydration products. The results of NMR test showed that the structure of the silica polyhedron network in fly ash varied from high poly state to low poly state. More active ingredients in the system were activated and participated in the early hydration reaction.
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