Effect of Zn/Mg Ratio and Aging Temperature on Precipitation Behavior ofAl-Zn-Mg-Cu Aluminum Alloy
CHAO Daiyi1, SUN Youzheng1, LIU Xiaoteng1, LI Xingdong1, LI Weijian2, LYU Zhengfeng1, CHENG Rence1
1 National Engineering Research Center for Plastic Working of Aluminium Alloys, Shandong Nanshan Aluminum Co., Ltd., Longkou 265713; 2 College of Nuclear Equipment and Nuclear Engineering, Yantai University, Yantai 264005
Abstract: The effects of Zn/Mg ratio and aging temperature on precipitation behavior (GP area and η′ phase of Al-Zn-Mg-Cu series alloys were investigated by using the aluminum alloy module in thermodynamic simulation software in detail. The results show that the content of GP area decreased with the increase of Zn/Mg ratio, and low temperature aging could promote the formation of GP area. However the content of η′ phase decreased slightly with the increase of Zn/Mg ratio. The aging time was cut down about 16 h, when the alloy at 160 ℃ than at 120 ℃; while under the same aging temperature, at different aging time with the increase of Zn/Mg ratio, the time when the content reached 6.5%, first increases slowly, and then increases rapidly when Zn/Mg ratio is greater than 2.91. The quenching sensitivity of the alloy decreases with the increase of Zn/Mg ratio, while with the Zn/Mg ratio increased from 2.46 to 3.20, the nose temperature of GP area and η′ phase decrease from 150 ℃ and 330 ℃ to 140 ℃ and 320 ℃, respectively. The critical cooling rate reduced with the increase of Zn/Mg ratio.
晁代义, 孙有政, 刘晓滕, 李兴东, 李维建, 吕正风, 程仁策. Zn/Mg比及时效温度对Al-Zn-Mg-Cu系合金析出行为的影响[J]. 材料导报, 2019, 33(Z2): 398-401.
CHAO Daiyi, SUN Youzheng, LIU Xiaoteng, LI Xingdong, LI Weijian, LYU Zhengfeng, CHENG Rence. Effect of Zn/Mg Ratio and Aging Temperature on Precipitation Behavior ofAl-Zn-Mg-Cu Aluminum Alloy. Materials Reports, 2019, 33(Z2): 398-401.
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