Abstract: Lead-cooled fast reactor is a fast neutron reactor cooled using liquid lead or lead-bismuth alloy. As one of the six main reactors of fourth-gene-ration, lead cooling reactor has the characters of high load tracking, high inherent safety, high power density and long feeding cycle. It meets the requirements of safety, economy, sustainability and nuclear nonproliferation of the fourth-generation reactors. However, lead or lead bismuth alloy are corrosive media for structural material, so complex oxygen control technology or excellent corrosion-resistant materials must be used to ensure the long-term safe operation of the reactor. At present, silicon-reinforced heat-resistant steel, for example Russian cladding materials of EP823 (16Cr12MoWSiVNbMn), steam generator materials of EP302M(10Cr15Ni9Si3Nb), aluminum reinforced ferrite martenite steel and coating preparation technology are used to solve the corrosion problem of liquid lead / lead / bismuth on structural materials. The paper mainly summarizes the research status of typical corrosion-resistant coating technology, and describes the coating prospects in the future.
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