Research Progress in Mineral-based Friction Materials
ZHAO Xiaoguang1,2, OUYANG Jing1,2,3, ZHANG Yi1,2,3, YANG Huaming1,2,3
1 School of Minerals Processing and Bioengineering, Central South University, Changsha 410083 2 Hunan Key Laboratory of Mineral Materials and Application, Central South University, Changsha 410083 3 Key Laboratory of Clay Mineral Functional Materials in China Building Materials Industry, Central South University, Changsha 410083
Abstract: Friction materials are considered to be composites consisting of organic and inorganic materials. As a main working part, they play an important role in braking and transmitting in the fields of transportation and industrial equipment. Friction materials are the most widely used in automobile industry, and their performance has a very important impact on the safety and stability of automobiles. Mineral materials have excellent physical and chemical properties such as non-toxic, heat-resistant, chemical stability, no pollution, and some of them have special morphology (fibrous and layered structure), which are currently of concern in the field of friction science and engineering. However, the function of mineral materials used in friction materials is different, because of the variety of mineral materials and difference of their composition and structure. Based on this, the composition, structure, physical and chemical properties of mineral materials and their effects on the properties and service efficiency of friction products are reviewed in this paper. Furthermore, the mechanism of regulating friction materials by minerals is discussed from three aspects: the reinforcement of friction materials by fibrous minerals, friction-increased regulation by granular minerals and friction-reduction regulation by layered minerals. Developing novel mineral materials, accelerating the development of new technologies such as surface modification and effective impurity removal, and strengthening the study on the influence mechanism of mineral materials in friction materials can be deemed to the development directions of future industrial application and theoretical research of mineral-based friction materials.
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